Brew In A Bag Competition Successes

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ahh - its hardly worth the bother. Anything short of someone winning the nationals with nothing but a series of light lagers and maybe a kolsch or two is going to be dismissed.

Competition results were called for as proof of quality and they were produced -- BUT

Someone has won champion brewer of show in a capital city club comp that would have been fairly keenly contested - ba bom... not good enough.
Looks like a couple of other firsts and places at the same show - ba bom... not good enough.
Katzke has a first (and wife a third in his club comp) - ba bom .... not good enough.
PP has a bronze out of the Perth wine and beer show - ba bom not good enough.
I have a first out of last year's Vicbrew (6th in the nationals) - nnnnnrk. Not good enough.
And I know there are a series of pother people who have placed in different comps both here and in the states.

But winning comps in and of itself is just not good enough - no, you have to win comps in certain categories and they better be "good" comps.

Just remember everybody - the ground rules for brewing well have changed. We have been notified. The following conditions now apparently apply.

* Your brewing method, and presumably your skill as a brewer or ability to brew a good beer, simply cannot be measured if you brew dark full flavoured beers. You must brew light delicate beers. Any pleasant taste you experience drinking beers such as this is potentially a mistake on your part. It could well be a rank brewing error that you simply cannot recognise.

* Judges are not capable of distinguishing between good and bad beers if those beers happen to be dark and full of flavour. All their training and experience aside - they are incapable of telling good from bad unless they are presented with the differences in the least challenging setting possible. Any competition feedback you may have received for a beer that was not a light lager or similar - was pointless because the judges obviously couldn't give you useful information about beers like that.

* Any medal, ribbon, trophy or prize you have won at a comp that was not the Nationals (or maybe the states if we are feeling generous) -- was valueless. Brewing better beers than the other members of you club is nothing more than proving that your are the least bad of a suspect bunch. Oh and if it wasn't for a light lager .. well, see above.

OK, I am taking the piss, but if you think about it, that's whats being said. And if its true of a technique like BIAB, then its true of individual brewers as well.

So remember - until you win a medal at the nationals with a light and delicate beer... you're just kidding yourself, there is no admissible proof that you are capable of brewing a decent beer at all.
How's the view from that high horse Thirsty?

"OK, I am taking the piss, but if you think about it, that's whats being said."

Actually, no that's not what's being said.

* Your brewing method, and presumably your skill as a brewer or ability to brew a good beer, simply cannot be measured if you brew dark full flavoured beers.

Where did you get that idea?

* Judges are not capable of distinguishing between good and bad beers if those beers happen to be dark and full of flavour.

Again, where has anyone said that?

As the Nats is the highest quality judged comp in the country (as you have to progress through state comps), I think it's a good benchmark for craftbrew in this country, don't you think?
I'm not taking anything away from people's hard earned victories, and if you scored first with your beer in the club comp, well done!
Well said TB,

Thanks for the warning.
I will remember not to enjoy or be happy with my BIAB beers until I have a 1st place at the nats. Maybe I should make my next brew a No frills lager can with a Kilo of CSR sugar to see if I can improve..

Well done to BribieG and Katzke & wife, keep brewing and enjoying good beers. I only have a dozen or so AG brews under the belt but have followed a lot of BribeG's, TB's and Katzke's posts as to the different learnings at different stages of BIAB experience. Thanks guys and well done.

Maxt, I do feel a little bit sad for you that you feel the need to follow threads about a brewing style that you do not use, just to bag it (or maybe you see it as educational). I wish my life was as exciting yours. As an expert, care to share a pic of your trophy cabinet from the nats, love to see what they look like as I BIAB and don't have any myself. Also like to hear a few tips (maybe on another thread to keep things on topic) to understand just how you do it. Please include the link from this thread though.

The fact is BribieG is bloody great brewer. He lives and breathes brewing and IMO thoroughly deserves this win. Throughtout the year he has constantly entered beers into our Mini comps taken what he learnt from that and applied it to his brewing. He uses his knowledge and prowess as a brewer to produce some of the best beers I have ever had, Full Stop. The fact he does this via BIAB is further testament to his prowess as a brewer. Any replication of any style is difficult so I think that arguement is a mooted point. Granted some maybe simpler than others but that doesn't make that brewer any less.

What pisses me off is the attitude that BABB's is some dinky little non descript club and winning the BABB's comp is something paramount to winning at the local school fete. What utter rubbish! BABB's is the core of Queensland brewing and our comps are hotly contested by some great brewers.

BribeG don't listen to this rubbish.

BribeG again mate. WELL BLOODY DONE!


Congrats on the win Bribie :icon_cheers: At least we know we can make good beer :lol:
This is great, better than watching the cricket that's for sure. Keep it coming dudes.
Good on ya Bribie and bloody well done on the comp win. :icon_cheers:

Just did my 24th BIAB today after many partial BIAB's before that

I brew mainly APA's and amber ales, and have never done and dont want to do a lager of any descripition. I have tried quite a few pilsners from different breweries and havent enjoyed any of them.
And to do one just to prove something is silly.

Dunno if our local show has a beer comp but I have a few bottles kept and will enter them if they do.

BIAB rocks
I've tried some of BribieG's brews and they're well crafted beers. Regardless of what method and equipment is used, the important factor is the resulting beer. This is what should be judged, not the method.

Congrats on the awards :)
Wait until PP wakes up and gets a hold of this thread, there's going to be no stopping him LOL. Any of these Champion Biab brews made with GB Biab bags? :p

I heard that real BIAB brewers only use Craftbrewer BIAB bags. I think the comp results bear this out. Seriously ...
Wait until PP wakes up and gets a hold of this thread, there's going to be no stopping him LOL. Any of these Champion Biab brews made with GB Biab bags? :p

Funny you should mention it, after 33 brews my original dogs bollocks style bag looks like a medieval peasant lady's bloomers and although it's still quite robust I decided to get a newie. However my sewing lady on the Island has moved away so I ordered one from you on Friday Night, dough will be in your account in the morning :lol:

I'll have to give the urn some counselling because when the GB bag gets inserted it's going to squeal 'WTF??' :ph34r:

Edit: talking to Ross last night, he's stocking Swiss Voile because there seems to be so much fannying around with trying to get it from Spotlight., but not in the form of bags.. as yet.

Your all gunna burn in hell!

Chap Chap
This is great, better than watching the cricket that's for sure. Keep it coming dudes.

LOL! (Just saw your post too GB :)).

Congratulations guys! I'm not amazed that BIAB has done well in the comp. What I am amazed at is the skill of these relatively new brewers and it is tough competition up there in QLD. How quickly some brewers get a grasp of all the different grains, hops and yeasts and then furthermore develop a real skill in putting them all together absolutely astounds me :beerbang:.

I have no such skills and just steal other's recipes :).

Well done bribie and PB!

P.S. Katie, you and Lloyd will be getting medals way before me. Only beer I am entering is to Royal Perth Show to get the free drinking tickets! The bronze this year was mainly due to GB's recipe I reckon 'cos I still had that fermenter ball-valve infection back then. In a few weeks I'll find out if I have finally got rid of that ******* infection which has been my companion for way too long.
Funny you should mention it, after 33 brews my original dogs bollocks style bag looks like a medieval peasant lady's bloomers and although it's still quite robust I decided to get a newie. However my sewing lady on the Island has moved away so I ordered one from you on Friday Night, dough will be in your account in the morning :lol:

I'll have to give the urn some counselling because when the GB bag gets inserted it's going to squeal 'WTF??' :ph34r:
I will rub the Bag on "Black Betty" (a Six eyed Voodoo Bitch and Icon for my brewery) for Luck , she has bought me many winners !
On my 8th or so AG brew (BIAB) and loving the simplicity of it all. I am getting to know my setup better all the time, and am now able to tweak my brews on the advice of other brewers from case swaps and general feedback to improve what I am making. The only limitation that BIAB suffers from is the size of the pot you are using, as it affects the gravity and volume you are able to produce, but I am yet to see anything that would convince me that the beers are somehow lacking compared to those produced in a traditional 3 vessel system.

You could put 10 brewers next to each other, all with the same recipe and ingredients, and you would have 10 different brews before you as a result - whether the systems were BIAB or not. What counts is knowing your system and being able to tweak it to produce the beer you want to produce. This takes experience and a willingness to take on feedback from other brewers.

I am entering my first competition soon with several of my beers, and while I think I don't stand much of a chance of winning (unless everyone else puts in an infected beer), I will use the feedback to tweak my recipes and procedures to improve my beers.

As for the relative lack of competition success for BIAB, with a fairly new and novel system of brewing it is expected that it will take some time for the ruffles to be ironed out and for enough BIAB'ers to have enough brews under their belts to feel that they know their systems. As time goes on, there will be more entrants using BIAB and no chill in competitions, and inevitably the results will reflect this.

Next year, I'm gonna put a hole in Bribies bag MUHAHAHahahaha............ ;)

Maxt, hopefully this year, the QLDers will give your smug arse a kickin.

