Brew Day At Vjval1974's (gold Coast) All Welcome.

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Thats amazing. All organised on the right weekend and everything. No wonder it was just meant to happen. Nice.

thanks jye!

Looks like Brian, Damien and Matt are still asleep????

Nice one Jye. Oh and if you are good I might even put a pils in the swap - will see what it's like first though.

Brad we need to organise another day to swap our equipment back. Just finished cleaning gear etc and found that I have your Mashmaster thermometer and a tent peg! Also have Brian's bung and airlock. If you see a pack with the timer instructions on it, hold onto it. Going to see if I can learn to work it properly.

Don't worry about the lager mate. Get the old refractometer out in two or three days and see if it's doing its job on the sly.

Oh and one of the guys at work knows Bruce's son - small world!

First of all I'd just like to say another big thanks to Brad for organising a great day. He not only committed him self to a lot of effort but his girlfriend & parents. I hope to repay the effort one day, and Brad has set the bar quite high.

The beer tasting was a great idea, and as it turned out a great leveler, with our master brewers confidant but not doing so well, while the newbies and VB drinkers did well (the equal best).

The local home brew shop owner turned up at Brad's request, but is only a kit mover, so it was probably quite an eye opener. His brought a mate who supposedly has written a book on brewing or something (?), but had never seen an AG brew. They both received an education off Ross for a while then disappeared before the tasting started, probably figuring that they weren't gonna be able to flog any books or tins of goo amongst us.

I didn't take that many shots, was busy brewing or helping with other brews. Good on Thomas, his first ever brew being an AG.

Here is Pat wrestling with the technology.

Browny communicating effectively:

During the tasting, a confidant Ross & pondering Brian:

Towards the end of the night after 12+ hours of drinking my photo quality dropped off for some reason ;) . I have a really underexposed shot of Ross drinking straight from the tap of one of Pat's kegs, and this was the aftermath I think.


Later on a drunk Pat & Matt traded political standings, personal attacks and generally lost a little love for one another. Not recommended. :(

I don't know how you guys kicked on, we had been drinking for a very long time by the time I left.

The next day I felt very ordinary, and had to be up to take Yo to the airport, before a family lunch do, and then off to shift some spare mini motors and gearboxes around.

I forced down a couple of beers at lunch, but it was pretty rough. Can you say binge?

Have been silent here, but have raved elsewhere on AHB already. I'm absolutely stoked about the serendipity of the date -- makes my presence as the token sepo ex pat all that more meaningful. I wonder if my wife would have let me stay later if I had of known and been able to communicate the extra significance of my presence on the day...

Brad -- mine's not kicked off either yet and I agree with Pat; don't panic. I left out overnight and then chilled in fridge before pitching. Pitched @ 17 degrees last night about 9 PM. Using US56. Have a good yeast build up on bottom (didn't transfer much trub as a I left ~1L behind in cube), no krausen on top and not much activity. I did check my seal tonight and I'm just starting to get a slow bubble. Temp has come up to about 23. I just have it at ambient, with a wet T-shirt around it. Had a taste last night from the hydrometer sample vile when I transferred -- what a beautiful difference from my kits. It tastes "real".

Thanks again Brad & especially thanks to Carina and your oldies.

Cheers, Brian
3 guys were doing their first AG's...

Looks like you guys had a great day :chug:

I havent read the whole thread but if you didnt know it you just participated in The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day.

I look forward to a few BIAB beers at the swap meet.

Correct, saw this last week and asked a few local brewers if they were interested in volunteering, due to other commitments most were unable, but we might be able to do something in the new year.

From what I've read on this thread, all of the brewers involved in organising the day should be congratulated, especially vjval1974 who from all counts hosted a fantastic day under somewhat less than perfect conditions, and let's not forget those who attended to lend moral support to the day and especially family members who were also involved, an absolutely top effort.

You boys just may have unknowingly instigated the inaugural "Teach A Mate To Mash Brew" (Aussie Version). In the past the homebrew stigma has created a sort of secret society, to the point that there was no networking and home brewers were like the proverbial ants trying to move a morsel back to the nest, all pulling in different directions. AHB is responsible for polarising the fraternity of homebrewers in Australia, we are now producing great beers thanks to the dissemination of information via forums like this. An obvious extension is hands on teaching of our craft. Takes a special person to give up his/her time to share knowledge with others, good on you all, and I hope this develops into something that other brewers are prepared to involve themselves in. I was fortunate to have another brewer mentor me into mash brewing and will always be gratefull (thanks Bindi).
Here we go guys, Ive got some more photos thanks to ross.

This is about when it all started. Clockwise from front left is Damian, Ross, Brian, Zizzle, Browny, Pistol Patch. I think youll find they all have one of my Belian Strange Ales in their hands. That was the starter for the day.


This is patch with his last hop addition for his first brew-in-a-bag. Duncans is bubbling away on the right.


Carina (my girlfriend) on the right, Bruce is doing his usual, rolling a ciggy and drinking some of patches light Schwartz Beer. Damian hooking into the snags.


At times cracks were beginning to appear, but not in the weather. Thanks zizzle.


Duncan's first AG brew has finished the boil


Carina just sculled that jug, to my amazement, look at my face. Nah, She was handing out samples for the blind tasting comp.


Thomas's first AG. Never seen someone so happy after grinding for the last 1/2 hour!!


Brians first AG. He stood like this for a good minute as ross couldnt sort out his camera


Thomas and Patch with some serious sanitising


Patch, with a huge smile as he pours his all-time favourite beer. Good onya son.

Great stuff guys. Its good to see people get together, that hardly know eachother.......sharing a common passion.

Obviously the fun follows, and you feel like youve known eachother for years.

By the way, i'm still waiting for some more photos of Brad's girl Carina ! She looks to me be quite a lovely host. :p

Jeez for a woman that would host a homebrew show, that looks so lovely. My Mrs is a dish, but she'd do more drinking ! :chug:

Good stuff guys. Well done.
I just looked at my quotes, and made a little mistake!!! Carina is on the left on the first photo you see of her. Im still feeling second hand from the weekend!

Any more photos of her and I think id be pushing my luck! :lol:

Id like to see more of the brew days happening. Id love to be involved in another one too. Anyone down in wollongong in sydney at christmas? Ill be visiting my olds down there, maybe I can bring some goldy beers down there and have a little session with yas.


PS thanks to everyone for the big rap. My olds and carina are overwhelmed by all the thanks they are recieving. :D :D :D
Those pics make me wish I had been then for a great day... and it looks like Pat was in form :D

Cant wait for the xmas swap :beer:
Brad you sneaky bugger, I had not the slightest inkling you got in there and snapped a shot of my crack. :huh: :eek:

Also you missed out Duncan in one of your lists. Damian, Ross, Brian, Zizzle, Duncan, Browny, Pistol Patch.
Thanks all for a great day and I agree there should be more of these to come. Need to get myself some gear.

I did make it back to Benowa although the sun was well up before I fell down.

Special thanks to Pat for the lift and to VJVAL for hosting.

Hey. does anyone have my fermenter lid??? Seems to have disappeared. I made yet another beer tonight, stocking up for summer and maybe for the swap if someone drops out. Found the lid gone. Have used a sanitiser soaked towel (rung out) and an elastic band.
Hope your brew kicked off Brad. Mine was bubbling nicely last night and had a good krausen today. The foam has a wonderful chocolate layer on top and the smell coming out of the air lock is unreal.

Hoping my having to brew at ambient won't have too deleterious an effect. Found a freezer out back of a restaraunt today and they said I could have it. Supposedly was letting the ice creams melt. Thinking it might be OK for a fermentation fridge if it sort of works (don't want to suck up lots of electricity though) or might be repairable -- just a recharge? Anyone know much about refrigeration? Doesn't look really old. Just a standard sized box, but freezer only.

Further along in the alley there is a beautiful CocaCola display fridge, glass door and all. Looks a bit too new for someone to just be pitching though. And has a bit of a label about remaining the property of... Surely this isn't up for grabs, eh?
Brian, labels can be easily removed with eucalyptus oil ;) I'd be grabbing that freezer though. Once you get it home, you'll have a better idea of what's wrong with it. I'll give you a call re this.

Don't think I ended up with your fermenter lid Brad but will have a look in the van shortly. Can give you a lift to Sydney too if you want. We could invade Stephen and Weizguy's place on the way down - they have good beer.

Thanks for posting the pics guys. Have no idea what I was doing drinking a Gold. Surely we didn't get through all that other beer???

Got a few hours in at the Turf Club yesterday arvo. Did I take my camera? No. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Totally gob-smacked! Didn't watch one race :blink:
My brew still hasnt kicked in. Not a thing happening. I raised the temp today to room temp, and still nothing. Dunno what to do now....

Check the SG (use your refractometer!). Only way to be sure that it really hasn't kicked in. Do you have a build up of yeast on the bottom? That would be a sign that something is happening. You can always pitch another packet of yeast (or maybe better yet a starter so it will kick off quick), but from what I've read, "bad" yeast seems to be a rarity. Most often it is simply a loose seal or slow kick-off and people panic. Check the SG and then maybe give Ross a call (yeast from him?).

I don't have your lid either -- sorry.

Cheers, Brian
Seems to be a little pale colour on the bottom. But maybe trub. Refrac is still the same as after boil. Im not really panicking, just want this one to be 'the one'. Everything turned out perfect for this one. Yeast was wlp820. I thought 'pitchable' meant it was really 'pitchable' , but as ross tells me, its best to make a starter to kick it off before. Ill see what happens in the morning. I have the fridge turned off until it kicks in, but tomorrow I will order some more of that yeast, make a starter and go again!! Thanks for your help brian.

YOu wouldnt believe it. Finally started to get a film on the top. Temp has been dropped now and Im away. Woo hoo.
Some of us are a bit slower than others mate, but we all get there eventually :)