Brew Day At Vjval1974's (gold Coast) All Welcome.

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Did I hear sister?

Paleman. I am single, 42 years old with a good sense of humour and really good-looking so I have told me. My hobbies are brewing beer from the grain, flying planes and sponsoring high octane sports. I have untold amounts of money and drive a Rolls Royce - well my lackey does the driving.

Just thought I'd offer to have my lackey pick your sister up so she can attend Brad's brew day. PM me her address - quickly - I have a lot on my plate.

Yours seriously,

Aww Pat. Sorry fella, she has a bloke. But i'd love you for a Brother in law :D mashing grains in our free time.

Seriously, she has some good mates , maybe i can ask her to put some feelers out. They would be mid thirties.

But i cant promise much, she might tell me to get stuffed. :ph34r:
Getting picked up on the way through I'm comfortable with, but having someone chase around just for me is different. I'm pretty temped to say bugger it at this point, go find something else to do on Saturday, and catch you all some other time.

Anyway, it's good motivation to finish my car, so hopefully next time this won't be an issue.
You better be there zizzle me old mate... should be a top day :party:

cheers Ross
Zizzle, Brad is going past your place to pick other gear up so it's no trouble for him. He's also got a ute on Saturday so can grab your brew stand. All is good.

Paleman, mid-thirties is perfect! Call your sister now!!!

zizzle mate,

Its ok to pick you up as I have some stuff to get up that way anyway. Come on mate.
I can bring a fold up table -- doesn't look like anyone has addressed that need yet.

Will also bring some edibles.

As to drinkables, I have two brews bottled and ready to drink, a pale ale that has plenty of bitter (Ross may disagree) and a pilsner. Not particularly proud of either (especially after sampling Ross'), but happy to bring some to share and would love to get some tasting notes.

Cheers, Brian

Missed that post of yours Brian. Good on you! Looks like there'll be a good mix of beers and Zizzle coming now so I hear :super:

Ross, Frogman and I will get there about 9:00 - 9:30 and hopefully will have Brian's brew under way by somewhere a little after midday.

Brad, let us know if you need any of us to bring anything not listed mate. Look forward to tasting those commercials you have lined up as well mate. Ross is bringing a bit of a mix too. Just spoke to Frogman and he's bringing a veritable truck-load of home brew and commercial beers. I think he did a smash and grab at Dan Murphys. Good on you Damien! I'll just go for quantity and bring some kegs.

Glad to hear you got the sausages and onions for Ross too. He'll be a happy man ;) Also glad to hear that tent set up of yours is big enough to keep out any weather. If it's not I'm buggering off to the Palmy.

See you tomorrow guys!
Nah patch, nothing else to bring. Im picking up zizzle at around 10, I still have a little dilemma about tables. Zizzles stand will come in handy, so that can go in the ute easy enough. will see what I can work out in the morning.

Am working on the tasting notes for the blind beer tasting finally!!!! we will see how things pan out.

see yas
Boy am i glad i moved from Gold Coast......
Otherwise i would end up an old degenerate Beer Swiller....... :p
Lived just down the road from where all this MAYHEM taking place.. :blink:
Vote 1 the bucket :beerbang:
Hi guys , Have a good day and I hope to see lots of pics latter in the day /arvo/night...

I'll be dropping a brew on in the north as well so from one end of the state to the other AHB members . BREW ON ....:chug:

We'll have a toast to you and Poppa, Bunyip. Good luck with the mill.

Brad has an exciting day lined up for us with his blind beer tasting thingo. He's going to serve us all these beers and we have to guess which is which from some tasting notes he's put together.

I think all this is going to result in some pretty poor brewing practices towards the end of the day. :blink:

Now, where is Ross?...
Oooooh it must have been a big day/night .... No late pissed posts and no early risers... :)

How did it all go guys ??

Here in the north after spending 1/2 the morning stuffing around with my new mill and then I decided I could knock up the brew stand quickly Ha Ha .. look at the time and its 14:30 so I decided to slap a few quick K+K tins on and then I'll build the rest of the brew stand and set the mill up properly in stead of the half assed approch.. I had tins in stock so its better to get them brewed out...
so its 50lt blonde hopped with 20g Cluster for 15mins
and a second 50lts Blonde hopped with 20g Tettang for 15mins
a bit of bulk for the festive season just around the corner.

Hope you guys had a great day in the south... :) :chug:

I've waited another 1/2 hour after FNQB posted, expecting someone to report in! I thought someone might hijack Brad's PC for a frivalous post :D
(ross' revenge) :blink:

:blink: Go away Ned and Sean :angry: We all sleeping after perfect 18 hour brew day. -_-
Brad put on a fantastic day, was great meeting all the new guys & old alike. With the army tent on the communial lawn it looked like a scene from "Mash" in more ways than one :) . I'll leave Brad to post more pics & details, but from memory we did 6 brews & 3 guys were doing their first AG's... We had a beer tasting comp as well, with Brad handing us all tasting notes, served up by the lovely Carina.

Brad, Pat & myself ended up at the Casino for a few late drinks (as though we hadn't enough already) & finally crashed at 4.30 this morning...

Cheers all....

Brad put on a fantastic day, was great meeting all the new guys & old alike. With the army tent on the communial lawn it looked like a scene from "Mash" in more ways than one :) . I'll leave Brad to post more pics & details, but from memory we did 6 brews & 3 guys were doing their first AG's... We had a beer tasting comp as well, with Brad handing us all tasting notes, served up by the lovely Carina.
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Brad, Pat & myself ended up at the Casino for a few late drinks (as though we hadn't enough already) & finally crashed at 4.30 this morning...

Cheers all....


Did Pat tell you what happened down at the petrified forest? Dying to know... and what about my sister Pat? She is not happy with your "freedom"!
OK, Im feelin quite shady at the moment (its 8:50pm),

Yesterday turned out excellent. Despite the rain, there were heaps of people and probably 150l of beer made. We wont talk about the amount of beer that was drunk.

The day started for me in the early hours of saturday morning. I got 1-2hrs sleep as I was up all night babysitting the tarpaulin and tents from blowing away in the wind. At 4:30am I figured that it would be cancelled because of the weather, so I decided not to grind, but to go surfing instead. In the surf I decided - It was gonna be on no matter what! So I texted everyone and got it sorted.

I started the first brew with Duncan, my neighbor at about 7:30. A wheat beer we derived from a couple of recipes and some help from the main man Ross. During the boil I had to pick up Zizzle. Within 1/2 hour after we returned, Patch, Ross, Brian and Damian arrived. Duncan stepped in and out as he had to look after his little boy. His turn was to come. He had to make my beer!!!

Everything went really fast from then on. I think ross's first word where something in the effect of "Well, what are we doing? Lets have a beer!'". Patch was his usual funny self, promoting BIAB like a little salesman. I was very impressed with this method. Easy, fast and trouble free.

After a couple of hours things were starting to kick in. One brew down, 3 on the run and 2 more getting prepared. It was all go. Im so happy my parents were staying at my unit visiting us, because between them, and carina, they catered for all of us really well. They just made the day so smooth.

There was so many beer brought by everyone that I couldnt name them all. Everything from Ross's Russian Imperial Stout, to browny (another neighbour) who was drinking VB. Dont worry guys, we layed it on him proper all day until he came out and won the beer tasting competition.

The tasting went well. I printed off tasting notes off the net, handed them round, and carina brought round jugs of different beers for us to guess on our sheets. Browny and Duncan won getting 7/9, patch got 1!!!!!!! Sucked in mate. The funny thing was, during the whole tasting session, patch was talking it up like he was the australian beer tasting champion. You lose Patch!!!

The drinking went on till after dinner (more sausages) and the crowd was starting to thin. Patch and zizzle had a friendly political discussion :p . Ross, Dad, Duncan, Carina and I sat on the sideline watching and listening. Whoa!

Dad drove zizzle home, and Ross, patch and I went to go to the Palmy Surf Club. Patch took a traveller (palmy is 150m away), the bouncers saw him with it and wouldnt let us in! The palmy hotel was shut, so we went to the casino. We were drinking pints of Kilkenny and I was dancing round like an idiot (yeah by this time, I had lost control). Ross went to get a round of beers, I vividly remember getting told to leave and patch went to get some food. So, The big man proceeds to drink all three pints to himself. By that time, I was in the taxi line trying to jag a lift to save cash!! This must have been at least 2:30am

I got woken at 7 by the local boardriders, saying that they need the tent. I couldnt even see, let alone pull down the tent. The rest is a haze of watching my parents, and duncan cleaning, hangover battling surfs and power naps.

Now, Im absolutely knackered and have to be up at 5:30am for work. Its been an effort writing this, so anything Ive missed, someone else can fill in!

Bloody awesome day. Full credit and thanks to all involved and all the beers brought to try. Impressive.

Hey guy,

Hope the day went well and it didnt rain too much up there.... even though we need it (thank god its finally raining down here in the Hunter Valley).

I'm sure the recovery period is well worth is and hopefully there is plenty of good beer to come from such a good day.


hope you didn't get up to too much mischeif, or if you did hope you cant remember.....

now where did that beer get to? beery beery beery.....

Brad, thanks for all the time and effort you put in to putting on a brilliant day. Also thanks to your Mum, Dad and Carina for looking after us so well.

Congratulations to Brian, Duncan and Thommo on their first AGs. (You'll have to make sure that Duncan and Thommo join AHB Brad.)

As for that beer tasting competition, I wasn't feeling too confident towards the end when the last 2 beers came out and all I had left on my notes were the total opposite. That was a great idea and all good fun fuellling us up nicely for Zizzle's and my attempt to solve all world peace issues. Not sure if we did but we gave it a good crack.

OK, I have to go and do some work but when do we get some more photos, Brad? Pokolbin can do the captions for us while it's raining - lol!

Thanks Brad. Top one :beer:
Man, Im still so tired this morning.

Patch, Ill get onto thommo and duncan about AHB later on. Both of their beers are bubbling away. Im sure they will be sitting next to them watching for the next week or so!! Im a bit worried about my one though. I pitched at 23 deg, then brough temp down to 11, but nothing is happening nearly 24hrs later. I had a sneak peek and the top of the brew is clean with no yeast scunge on the top. After I dont know how many brews Ive made, I just cant get this cold fermentation happening. I used Wlp880 (i think) which is an oktoberfest/marzen liquid yeast. I even shook the hell out of the fermenter and yeast vial before pitching. Any ideas.

As for the photos, I have to sort them out later tonight. Theres a classic of patch drinking his favourite beer. Youll see. :lol: