Brew Day At Vjval1974's (gold Coast) All Welcome.

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Hi guys,

Im holding a little brew day at my place in palm beach on Saturday the 4th of November. Pistol Patch is coming to show his Brew-in-a-Bag style :beerbang: . Zizzle said he was coming also. I have a couple of mates that will be here mostly to knock off my beer but may also learn a thing or two about the time and effort to make the stuff!!!

Im gonna give a Belgian Ale a go which will be interesting. :unsure:

Anyone who would like to come are most welcome. The more, the merrier :party: .

Hit me on a PM or my mobile 0413955125 and Ill let you know all the details.

Vjval1974 (Brad)
Looking forward to this Brad. It's definitely going to be worth a Zero Driver's home :blink:

I'm sure Zizzle will make it so we'll have 2 BIAB's going and your traditional - cool! I'll bring a chiller and whatever else to make things easy. We'll probably need a time-keeper with 3 brews going and it won't be me!

I'll bring the best keg of whatever beer I have as well or whatever I want to get rid of - lol.

Cool, yep: except I have no grain/hops/yeast.

Will an order from Ross's make it down in time?
Sounds like an interesting and potentially productive day.

I should be about ready to put another batch up, but don't have ingredients together yet either -- where's Ross'? Haven't found an ideal local supplier yet.

You got enough space Brad for multiple simultaneous brews? If not, might come along to see PistolPatch's bag method...

Zizzle, it's not this Saturday, it's the one after - stop smoking that cigarette man! I can pick you up on the way if you like.

Wildayeast, have just looked through your posts and see that you are on the Gold Coast! Mate, whack that in your profile as there are a heap of events you could have been in on since you joined. Be great to meet you before the big swap at Sqyres. Regarding good local suppliers then there aren't any that I've found. Ross is almost local though and to find his stuff, just click on the green Craftbrewer logo towards the top left of this page or click on this...

If anyone (including Wildayeast) wants gear from Ross for the day and wants to save on postage, send me your order and I'll organise it from there being the good bloke that I am.

Can't help you with your question on simultaneous brewing Brian but vj will sort you out.

Hope to see you there Brian,
Thanks Pat -- I've been to all of the HB shops on from Tweed to Oxenford and haven't been satsified. HB Oasis in Kedron has a bit more of a selection, but was up there today and no crystal malt. Have perused Ross' site and very happy to find many ingredients referenced in recipies from US based books that I haven't been able to find to date. Will put together an order for Ross and send it to you -- Thanks for being such a good bloke!
Hey guys,

Sorry I havent got back to you sooner. Bit busy at work.

Wyldayeast; Im gonna set up a sort of tent outside my place, so, your welcome to bring your gear and brew also. Patch says he has some hose attachments and all that too, but Im a man than can jimmy up anything to have a good productive day.

As for your grains and hops, Ross will be able to get them to you within a couple of days anyway. He never fails me. Actually Ross should be coming. Thats right ross, you should be coming!!!!

Also, bring your boardies and surfboards if you have one. I live right on the beach. B) B) B)

patch and zizzle; Cant wait to see this BIAB I have a keg of IPA on at the moment, dunno how long it will last, but have a backup of English Ordinary Bitter and I will brew this weekend too. Probably wont be ready to drink on the day, but will see. The beers I tried at your place patch were all good, so Im not worried which one you bring, but it sounds like a merry day. Ill see if I can sort out some sort of lift home for you all if you want.

Talk soon

Because I'm still such a good bloke ;) I'm going to give Brian a ring to see what gear etc he has. Will let you know Brad. Also just sent Zizzle etc an email telling them to look at this thread.

How many single women over thirty will be there? If none, I'm not coming :angry:

I'll bring beer too mate - a keg and/or bottles.
As for your grains and hops, Ross will be able to get them to you within a couple of days anyway. He never fails me. Actually Ross should be coming. Thats right ross, you should be coming!!!!


Hoping to make it Brad, but things busy, busy here - Haven't brewed myself in weeks, spending all day cracking grain & packing hops for others... Need a break man :party:

cheers Ross
Hey ross,

would be good if you came, your the main man!!!!!! Have a break, come down and show us a thing or two.


We'll have to head over the road to the palmy hotel and grab you a granny on friday night to keep you happy. after a couple of my IPA's she will look like a supermodel.

check ya
We'll have to head over the road to the palmy hotel and grab you a granny on friday night to keep you happy. after a couple of my IPA's she will look like a supermodel.

Sounding more tempting all the time :chug: :wub:

Cheers Ross
after a couple of my IPA's she will look like a supermodel.

:super: :super: :super:

Goodonya Brad!

Ross you have to come down for this - bed at my place for you or maybe we should book a few rooms at the Palmy!

Just spoke to Brian and he's very easily lead. The perfect AHB'er. He's happy to do his first AG on the day and he likes bitter pale ales - grrrrr! The perfect mate for you and Ross. (Doesn't worry me, I'll be at the Palmy).

When I spoke to you Brad, you were going to be doing a double brew or something. I'm happy to do a 45 minute mash and 60 minute boil so Brian can do a BIAB too. (He's obviously very intelligent too as he's keen on the BIAB concept.) Any thoughts on timing? I don't want to get to the Palmy and find all the good ones have gone :angry:

Spot ya,
Sounds good. Brad, my rig is an electric boiler so may need some special location. Either that or stage it so that I use someones burner.

Bit of beach cricket/footy while waiting for boils/mashes/Pat to score a granny?
Hey there guys.

If you wanna go to the palmy hotel, youve all gotta grow a mullet and have a dirty long mustache :super: or the ladies wont even look at you.

Brian, do you have a gas burner or the like. I will have 3 boilers (not the palmy hotel type) :huh: to use on the day.

Zizzle. I will have power there for your electric cooktop.

Ross you have to come down.

To aid with proceedings on Saturday I got out the MIG and knocked up a little brew stand this arvo with some scrap I had laying around. It's not the squarest, or prettiest thing around, but will do the job.


The rolling platform I already had... used for moving motors and stuff around in the garage.

Just built the frame/upper platform bit. It's high enough to fit a 20lt cube or fermenter under there, so with a tap in my kettle, electric + no-chill + BIAB AG here I come. Total AG rig cost so far: $153 including 60lt kettle, bag material, tap, 2 x electric elements, and a 20lt cube.

I might even knock up another little frame for winching the bag out with at some point. Then I can get serious with the automation.

What do you reckon Pat, should fit in the van?
This brew day is going to be a first for AHB Brad. Not only wil there be 2 guys (Brian and Brad's mate) doing their first AG but there will be traditional, BIAB and electric brews happening. Top stuff.

Brad: The mullet is doable by Saturday but might be stretching the moustache (metaphorically speaking.)

Brian: Have you got your permission yet? Are you set do your first AG? Do you need a lift there?

Zizzle: I was going to be full of compliments on your brew stand but then saw the last line of your post :eek: She'll be right mate - we'll get it in the van even if it has to go on top, hillbilly style! Nice work mate. I love those dual purpose things - we can use it to trolley me out of the Palmy Hotel at midnight!

Has anyone got one of those 2 way garden hose splitters in case we have to use 2 chillers at once?
Ill have a marque style tent set up on the day too. Gonna borrow it from my local boardriders club.

Nice little stand zizzle. I was wondering how many tables etc I will need. I should be able to sort all that out.
Ill grab one tomorrow, patch. Ive gotta go on a hunt around the goldy to get the tent and other things.
Hi All,

Sorry for silence over the weekend.

Have notified significant other of my intention and didn't get knocked back -- looks OK, will have to work out timing. Should be able to sort something out on the ride Pat; will drive or get dropped off.

Bit short on gear Brad. Have only cooked one batch, on stove top, with ~16L pot (just boiled extract & hops, no specialty grains). Have a burner on my BBQ, but not real transportable & haven't experimented with it for heat yet.

I shot Pat a recipe for an Anchor Steam clone; thinking it may be a bit warm to take that on now (fermenting a'natural -- no refrigeration). Heading up to Brissy for work tomorrow - might try to catch Ross if the timing gods are kind and see if he has recipe thoughts. Maybe just a bit of 'California Common' pale ale.

If timing and gear suits, and I get my ingredients together, will do up a brew. If not, really looking forward to watching (I like to watch).

Pat -- give me a call on the mobile if you need me to pick anything up from Ross (will have to see how the timing goes).

Cheers, Brian

Im sure we will be able to sort something out with all the equipment that will be there for the day anyway. I have lots of different grains and hops as well, so if you decide on the day that there is a chance to make something and you have no gear, we can gfind up then. Just bring your fermenter incase. Remember that patch will be sniffing around the palmy hotel most of the day (!!) so we can snavvle his equipment and chuck one on!!

C ya
