Ref last response for Mash suggestion A. It's the one I suggested so it's my pick based on what you have asked for.minimalizarte said:Okay, back to the OT. So now we have two contenders:
Mash suggestion A:
TEMP: 55 / 65 / 72 / 77
TIME: 5 / 40 / 25 / 10
Mash suggestion B:
TEMP: 50 / 62 / 68 / 72 / 74
TIME: 5 / 10 / 45 / 20 / 20
I liked the hochkurtz suggestion, but will have to save that for a lighter ale or wheat. The mash suggestion B is closer to what I had originally proposed in that it favors the formation of unfermentable sugars to get a bigger body. Anybody favor one or the other?
Mash Suggestion B
Seems just like someones thrown some random numbers on the table and is over-complicating things. While it would produce beer, that is in character for what you want it doesn;t specifically target Beta and Alpha amylase.
Step 1 50 vs 55. Both will work but protein rests of 50 Vs 52 Vs 55 is a discussion in itself. I have experimented and with well modified malts I use 55c.
Step 2, 10 mins at 62c will kick of a good hit of Beta amylase conversion, but it's not that long to get the bulk of work done.
Step 3. will convert the bulk of the starch at this step favoring Alpha so a thick beer that would favor an English mild style, but it's just not APA grounds anymore.
Step 4. 72 is pure Alpha so thickening it up even more.
Step 5. 74. WTF even more Alpha targeting? why is this step doing that the 72 didn't. Why not just extend 72?
Why is there no mash out at 77/78c ?
The body of the beer this would produce would not normally suit an APA.