I have a small length of silicon hose that jams onto the barb to get the wort to return close to the bottom, although I couldn't find it for the maiden voyagehow does the liquid get to the "bottom" of your "malt pipe" is there something joined to your barb in side the malt pot ?
Here is a link to short vid of my braumeisterssecond brew. Belgian strong ale.
The lid isn't finished yet but other that that all is going well. I'm pretty happy with it.
Hey swampy it has been dicussed before In this thread, its a balancing act to get it right, the figures quoted in the PDF are just a guide and can be changed a bit also there is a reason for the braumeister being those dimensions. I would start by working out how much wort you want and whats the highest gravity you normally brew, there are ways of getting higher gravities out of a system with a few extra steps but you want your system to work well for the majority of brews. With the finished volume and gravity you can work out the grain required, and then the size of the malt pipe and so on, you will probably go back and forth a number of times before you settle on some sizes, then if you want to use pots you are going to have to find the best fit and go with them. Hope this helps you get started on working things out anymore questions just post it here in this thread.
cheers steve
The biggest things I have left to do are the element and the base, but I still can't decide on whether I will get a 2250W or 2500W element. I am a little concerned about using the 2500W element and the pump on one power outlet, but I am also concerned about whether the 2250W element will have a slow ramp time for my 20L batches. I will buy it from TEE because Matho believes them to be a suitable supplier and they have been friendly to date.
Regarding the base, I have no welding skills/experience and am very curious about whether I could make a base using any other method. I have thus far spared no expense on using SS for everything else and need to build the base before I build the electronics enclosure.
Arvo Edak,
I'm sourcing the parts at the moment as well and going along the lines of the Braubushka?? concept. This allows a gap under the malt pipe and you don't need to clamp it down through the centre of the pot. I'm then using 2 x 2200W elements controlled with separate SSR's so that I can have them wired on two power loops to keep the amperage down. My rig is also going to be a double keg batch (~40L), but capable of doing single 25L batches as well which means I can just turn one of the elements off or not use it at all. Still designing at this point, but it looks like it could be a goer. As for a base I'm planning on putting it on a designated trolley and building a secure enclosure with a PC fan on the heatsinks, so I can't really help you with the base design.
Good luck with it.
Hi Edak,Thanks Blue, I have already finished all of the design and assembly of the pot, malt pipe, fittings and pump so I can't change my design now.
Perhaps a 2250W will be suitable but I didn't want to go any lower than the braumester (2400W) and wanted a nice trustworthy element which I can be sure will last many brews without tainting them. I suppose that I could run the risk of using a 2500W one, after all there are many other appliances which use 2500W and are available here in Australia. I am betting that they don't require special power considerations...
And no-one has mentioned insurance. I've no idea if running a 15amp boiler on a 10amp circuit voids your insurance. But the boiler being home made (10A or 15A) probably voids insurance anyways.. :huh: