BJCP course?

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Newcastle, Australia

Does anyone know of any bjcp courses or exams coming up in the hunter/newy area? Really keen to get involved if there is a chance of anything happening...


Are there any in NSW at all?

I've been interested in one in Sydney for a while.
If you get enough people interested, you can run one. The main problem is the limited number of exams (with limited spots) available so you may need to organise a year or more in advance.

I'd recommend 12-20 people. A lot may drop off during the course. There's one running in melbourne at them moment (too late and too far for you) - I'm sure I could hook you up via email if you wanted to ask any questions (or anyone else does/did).

I helped organise various elements of a previous one here (melb) as well so I can offer both suggested dos and don'ts* from my experience via email or PM.

*probably lots of don'ts (or just a big DON'T!)**

**a joke
There doesn't appear to be any exams in NSW until Nov 2015 (from BJCP site).

Manticle I will PM you for some info, I'll speak to HUB before looking too much into it as they would be in a better position to organise something.

Is there any other judging organisations that can do training here?
I'd be more than happy to come down to Newy or Sydney to do a course if we could organise one (and if i had the funds at the time)
A training course is a good idea, might be good to use this as a bit of a register for interest to get the ball rolling.

As for the actual taste exam they need to be sanctioned by BJCP, I'll see if I can find who organised the last exam and get some more info.
i believe stu booked the next test in nsw, cant remember the date as the last one was in april,
Hey Barls, I'm still fairly new on here could you put me in contact with Stu. Is his AHB name just Stu?

Kahlerisms this thread is in the Hunter United Brewers sub forum so you might be best to contact someone locally mate.

I am going to head down to the next HUB meeting and introduce myself, actually maybe the one after as it is anniversary weekend and SWMBO would have my nuts in a vice.
stu as in stuster on here. try pming him but he might be away atm.
other than that maybe try keith the brewer at potters. he may have some more info.
+1 if it runs in Newey. I am prepared to commute to Sydney for it as well.
dont know if hes planning on running one for the next set best contact him about it.
he was talking the next test wasnt till 2015 but could be wrong as i was drinking on the day.
Dragging up an old thread here rather than starting a new one. There was some discussion around BJCP certification at our club meeting last night. Does anyone know who's maintaining BJCP certification info for Australia? Google returns a link to Vicbrew:, but that page seems to be well out of date, saying the next course is in 2011.

The "International Resources" page on has a few references for Australia, one which points to the out of date vicbrew page, and another for "Beer Judges Australia" that now returns a "404 page not found" error.
I'm bumping this to give it a chance to be seen during peak time...
I'd be keen for a course in Sydney. Not very productive for me to say so but now I'll get updates on this thread...
The BJCP site has a schedule for the exam, and the Aussie exams are lumped in with the USA ones.

As for a course, have a google around, I'm sure there are webinars around for that stuff.

Edit: found this -
I know a study group was being run around Ringwood or Croydon late last year. I would be keen to get in board with something, too.