Birthday Drinks

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PhilS said:
Happy Birthday Peas and Korn, hope you have a good one :D


I had my birthday in Dahab, a town in east Egypt with two americans I met in jerusalem. get very drunk. very nice.
Happy Birthday to Wally.

Mant happy beery returns. :beer:

You can have anything you want for your birthday.

Except Hops

Happy Birthday bigd.
Hope you have a big one.
Is it 12 o'clock and beer time yet ?

Happy Birthday big fella :party:

At a beer luncheon today - so will toast you in the true manner then :beer:

cheers Ross...
Happy Birthday big d :beerbang:

I was going to have an AFD today,oh well will have an Alt for you tonight

Have a good one

happy birthday big d

im having a stout for u and go the power
I will also knock back a couple in your honour tonight. Happy birthday Bigd. I think I may even head back to "The Lion" and have a couple of pints of Gulf Brewery Pils for you.
Happy birthday, big dave! Will have one or two in your honour a bit later (the ones I'm drinking right now are for me only).
:beer: Cheers to big d, one of the most generous and helpful blokes on the forum.

I have about 8 of my (maybe not entirely to style) wee heavies left in the stock pile.

But I save those for special ocassions. I reckon I now have about 7 left :D

awrabest, stu
bappy hirthday mate :) I hope you got lots of nice brewtoys as presents.
Best wishes to you bigD. As a relative newbie, I'd just like to say thanks heaps for what you do here on AHB. I hope that comments like wee stu's above somehow compensate your time and effort. Goodonya!
Happy birthday Batz.
A big b'day today.
Hope you had a great one.
Drinking a massive APA from the stir plate for you right now :p

Batz, sorry I couldn't get there in the end :(

The wee heavy collection is down to 6.

Better make that 5, the least I can do is finally send you one.

awrabest Batz, hope you are having a ball!
Happy birthday batz im having a bitter for u
Happy Birthday to BigD and Batz (and all those who had birthdays in recent times).

No HB to be seen in the house at the moment, but there's a nice bottle of bombay saphire that could do with being a little bit lighter.


cheers fellas.most of my celebrating will be done tomorrow onwards after this current work shift is over and done with.
and a big happy birthday to batz.
hope you have a great day and evening batz

big d
Happy birthday to both Batz and Big d,
I tried my hardest to get up to see you Batz but at the moment it is just impossible.
I am having a glass or three with a remote cellebration for you both.
Cheers :beer:
Happy Bithday big d for yesterday and a happy birthday to Batz for today.

May all you (beer) wishes come true.


Happy 50th Batz - See you at the w/e for a few celebratory ales :party:

cheers Ross...

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