Birthday Drinks

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Hoppy Birthday Pat! :icon_chickcheers:
Happy birthday to Vitalstatistix.

Have a great day mate.
I'll have a few beers in your honour tonight.

Ah, looks like InCider got it wrong again. That must be ten times just in the last year :)

I'm embarrassed to write in this thread as I am so far behind. Every time Sean wishes me a happy birthday, I go on a bender and can't write for a month. My April birthday will be the biggest one I have had in 12 months though. Can't wait. :)

Anyway all the best to Vitals for today and to all the other buggers I have missed over the last few months. Trust you all had a top one.

Spot ya,
Ah, looks like InCider got it wrong again. That must be ten times just in the last year :)

I'm embarrassed to write in this thread as I am so far behind. Every time Sean wishes me a happy birthday, I go on a bender and can't write for a month. My April birthday will be the biggest one I have had in 12 months though. Can't wait. :)

Anyway all the best to Vitals for today and to all the other buggers I have missed over the last few months. Trust you all had a top one.

Spot ya,
Better change that avatar as well , must have been taken 20 years ago
Every time Sean wishes me a happy birthday, I go on a bender and can't write for a month. My April birthday will be the biggest one I have had in 12 months though. Can't wait. :)
Spot ya,

April... of course :lol:

Spot ya! Phone beer soon!
Ah, looks like InCider got it wrong again. That must be ten times just in the last year :)

I'm embarrassed to write in this thread as I am so far behind. Every time Sean wishes me a happy birthday, I go on a bender and can't write for a month. My April birthday will be the biggest one I have had in 12 months though. Can't wait. :)

Anyway all the best to Vitals for today and to all the other buggers I have missed over the last few months. Trust you all had a top one.

Spot ya,

This is getting to be a bit monotonous Patricia & to save all these unfortunate posts why not have two birthdays a year?
You might age twice as fast but WHO gives a stuff anyway? :lol:
In a couple of years you might be older than me. :lol:

If you find something that goes faster than the speed of light Pat.


Can't believe you guys are picking on my avatar photo. Maybe I'll change it to my Facebook one but Baa Bra, who I am now in an open relationship with (as those who use FB will already know) reckons I look fat in that photo. You just can't win. I am feeling pretty deflated at the moment but not as much as Baa Bra will feel if she keeps bitching about my FB photo.

I already have slapped a Batz Brewery sticker on her bum in retaliation and she is pissed cos she can't get any of her trotters around far enough to pull it off. (The sticker that is.)

That'll learn her,
I am feeling pretty deflated at the moment but not as much as Baa Bra will feel if she keeps bitching about my FB photo.

That reminds me of the old joke about the inflatable kid in the inflatable world... called in to the principles office at school for bringing a pin to school.
"You've let me down, you've let yourself down... You've let the whole school down."

I love that joke Bonj! I think it actually rates in the ten best jokes ever.

It has a real generational gap to it. Tell it well and a teenager will go, "Whatever," whilst their parents will fall over laughing.

I have no idea why but it does.

Thanks for reminding me Bonj, it's the best early birthday present I have had in ages.

Happy birthday Trev - one of brewings real Mr nice guys :icon_chickcheers:

Cheers Ross
Happy Birthday.......Ah um

Thats right its MY birthday! Happy Birthday to me then

I'll have some beers in celebration
Happy Birthday NickB. Have a great one, I'll have a few drinks in your honor this arvo.

Nick you old bugger ! Happy Birthday mate :beer:

I'll have a few in your honor this arvo.

Happy Birthday Paul, missed you sorry


Happy Birthday to Old Nick, cheers mate enjoy your day, been a bit quiet lately.

Cheers boys,

Thanks fellas! Been busy at work building a chicken coop and the new bar, so not much time for AHB atm. Oh, and don't you love how you have to work on your birthday..... :rolleyes:
