Biblical Scale Disaster

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I don't think he was being heavy DU99.

Thoughts go out to the brewers in crisis areas!

Yep true mate... not taking this photo too serious... nothing compared to what's going on out there and those poor buggers in their homes.

Thought it appropriate to post on a homebrew forum is all... my mate is fine and the topic of his email that i received was, "few day free leave" So i'm sure he's sweet with it.
Hey Bob ..i not being heavy..people in the flood areas have to make sure of looters,the police force will be flat out with the happens
Just saw footage of an empty (it was floating, so must have been empty) keg floating down the river...
If it's a 19L keg it'll be one of mine :( Been back this afternoon for a look, water is subsiding but it's been all though both levels of the house. Looks like nothing was safe, from looking at tide marks on the house it was probably knee deep on the 2nd storey. I've already seen plenty of items from the shed and downstairs floating away, all the bar / brew gear / kegs / fridges etc will be stuffed or gone. Really not looking forward to seeing the extent of the damage upstairs, especially since insurance probably won't cover the flood damage :(
If it's a 19L keg it'll be one of mine :( Been back this afternoon for a look, water is subsiding but it's been all though both levels of the house. Looks like nothing was safe, from looking at tide marks on the house it was probably knee deep on the 2nd storey. I've already seen plenty of items from the shed and downstairs floating away, all the bar / brew gear / kegs / fridges etc will be stuffed or gone. Really not looking forward to seeing the extent of the damage upstairs, especially since insurance probably won't cover the flood damage :(
As I said before, mate. I'm here to help. I'll PM you my phone numbers.
If it's a 19L keg it'll be one of mine :( Been back this afternoon for a look, water is subsiding but it's been all though both levels of the house. Looks like nothing was safe, from looking at tide marks on the house it was probably knee deep on the 2nd storey. I've already seen plenty of items from the shed and downstairs floating away, all the bar / brew gear / kegs / fridges etc will be stuffed or gone. Really not looking forward to seeing the extent of the damage upstairs, especially since insurance probably won't cover the flood damage :(

When I get down to help with the cleanup there's a keg -a -yorkie for you, start to rebuild your collection :beerbang:
If it's a 19L keg it'll be one of mine :( Been back this afternoon for a look, water is subsiding but it's been all though both levels of the house. Looks like nothing was safe, from looking at tide marks on the house it was probably knee deep on the 2nd storey. I've already seen plenty of items from the shed and downstairs floating away, all the bar / brew gear / kegs / fridges etc will be stuffed or gone. Really not looking forward to seeing the extent of the damage upstairs, especially since insurance probably won't cover the flood damage :(

Tim that is really sad to hear mate. Let us know what we can do to help.

Watch the Suncorp share price plummet.....and to add insult to injury, their Milton office caught a flood. Poor buggers.

I can tell you the actuary that rated this additional cover to the product has left his employment with's been an VERY expensive 'buy' of new business.

As has been mentioned before, most insurers won't cover flood. It's not going to make you money - it's not all about love in financial services. :eek:

I'd insure with them if I live in a flood zone. Let's hope a lots of T-Bar & Bissy residents have this cover on their big assets.

"Flood Cover now included with Queensland's leading insurerCall 13 11 55
or visit us in a branch
Only Suncorp Home and Contents Insurance now gives you automatic cover for flood damage in addition to cover for a comprehensive range of other events caused by water. This includes:

Storms and flash flooding
Rising rivers, canals, creeks and dams
Rainwater run-off and pooling over normally dry land
Flooding from dishwashers, hot water systems, and burst pipes
Storm and flood damage to gates and fences
Gutters overflowing and more."
Mum just texted me this to give to a couple of mates, so i thought i'd post it here for the rest of my mates.... :rolleyes:

Storage king has just put out an offer for those who live in Brisbane affected by floods for free storage, they have trucks and trailers available to help evacuate just call 1800storage.

Hope everyone is doing ok.
And one of the 1 mile bridge, this ended up with 4m over the deck. The river normally sits about 15m + under it.

View attachment 43262

The One Mile bridge, where?? Has some history in my family, GFather fell down on the bridge while walking home after drinking lots of Schnapps and died :eek:

All the best for tomorrow boys. I'm also happy to front up to help Daemon clean up!

The One Mile bridge, where?? Has some history in my family, GFather fell down on the bridge while walking home after drinking lots of Schnapps and died :eek:

All the best for tomorrow boys. I'm also happy to front up to help Daemon clean up!


It's a date then. Daemon's place first on the clean up list, and we can spread ourselves around for any other brewers that need a hand if need be.

my thourghts go out to everyone affected

good luck Daemon as well

****** time I bet :(
Family is high and dry for now but I know the house won't be so lucky. We had to evacuate yesterday (Churchill in Ipswich) and we're in a low area. Only just moved in a month ago so it's quite devastating.

The '74 levels (according to some of the neighbours yesterday) would put the 1st level of the house well under water, higher than that and we'll be in a real world of hurt. According to the news the peak has been downgraded to 20M for now so I hope they're right.

Hope everyone else stays safe, all I can do for now is wait it out.

Tim, Lets me know if you need a hand with the clean up mate! Qualified builder with a shed load of tools ready to go. Also mate I have plenty of kegs looking for a good home including a fridge or two. PM me.

Chin up you have your health and family plus a swag of mates willing to pitch in.
It's a date then. Daemon's place first on the clean up list, and we can spread ourselves around for any other brewers that need a hand if need be.


Can we even get there at the moment, or are all the roads buggered? :(
Can we even get there at the moment, or are all the roads buggered? :(

I'll check the roads - might be best the weekend after when the flood has receded. I've got to work the saturday, but can do the sunday. See how it goes. Can always take a day off work.

Whatever happens, the helping hands will be required for a while.


InCider and Shed 101 - Cleaning up the Brisbane Floods since 2011.
InCider and Shed 101 - Cleaning up the Brisbane Floods since 2011.

... or talking about it at least.

We have a farmer in strife on Bald Knob (stop it i'm being serious here) who may need some help here.

oooh, it's raining hard again.

... or talking about it at least.

We have a farmer in strife on Bald Knob (stop it i'm being serious here) who may need some help here.

oooh, it's raining hard again.

After work tomorrow and friday if he needs a hand.

also willing to lend a hand tomorrow midday onwards if anyone needs it. have fairly big sedan to move stuff or help clean up. i'd offer to lift heavy things, but i'm muscle-less nerd <_<
Fortunately the Brisbane river stayed way under the expected level for tonight's high tide at around 4am, at least here in Hamilton. There is still a good meter or even more for the river to hit Kingsford smith Drive at our position. Towards Breakfast Creek it might have just touched it, but haven't seen that yet. Last time I checked on that end two hours ago there was still a bit of room.
Has anyone heard from Ducatiboy Stu? It's been a while since he posted.