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Let me stress no affilliation whatsoever but wouldn't child porn rings who share over P2P be protected from detection by peerguardian? Can we say that's a little unsettling or worrying???
Let me stress no affilliation whatsoever but wouldn't child porn rings who share over P2P be protected from detection by peerguardian? Can we say that's a little unsettling or worrying???

if you're on a public tracker, your IP is listed anyway. It's just not 'connectable' so no data can be exchanged. It was quite the common theme for someone to scan your IP from a Pty Ltd AP2P host. Apparently they have a dedicated department set to regularly scan IRC and P2P for child porn.

so for example, if I seed a picture of beer on my PC on a public bittorrent site, anyone can grab my IP and timestamp, just no 'known' IPs on the blocked list can connect and get my data. If the IP isn't in the 'blocked' list, they can get access to the data I am torrenting.

then there's the whole issue of proxies and what not.

that's why everyone spruiks private trackers, less chance of government/RIAA/MPAA departments joining and nabbing people for piracy.

sorry to get off topic, have had a few. What I mean is if people are sharing child porn on bittorrent, there IP/time/date/file name is open for anyone to see regardless of if you've got peerguardian or not.
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