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Happy Friday/Tuesday

100 weeks! Over 50,000 hits! MadRad!

So welcome to Week 100 of the Friday Fun 1. I've gotta say this weeks edition was tough to come up with. Over 5,300 images from the previous 100 weeks to choose from! Yikes! On that note - the picture of the cake right at the end is made up of every single photo ever posted on the site!

Hope you enjoy it - all 173 pics. Was too hard to narrow it down to just 100 for the 100th Anniversary. Not that you're complaining....

So it's also that time of the year where my Domain is hunting me for ca$h to renew the site. In the coming weeks, don't be surprised if there's a fundraising drive to keep this site alive. Maybe this weeks epic edition will inspire you to dig into those pockets, scoop up the change under the cushions and donate a few bucks to the FF1 cause. As normal, there'll be a range of rewards for donations - Ambassador themes, Presidential Gooch status, and the list goes on...

Thanks again for supporting the FF1. It's always a blast getting feedback from you all, so feel free to hit the Reply button and tell me what you think about the site!

A big shout out to all the Father's today - you're all legends. Another shout out to my little man, who got us the rad matching t-shirts so you right at the end of this week's edition! Champion!

Let's get to it.....
That was a good one.

I'm giving it a score of 58 (out of a possible 75.)
Happy Friday Brew-Diggers!!!

Welcome welcome welcome...'President Gooch' Craig Walker has been appointed to the highest FF1 status in the land, and we couldn't be happier.

His Presidential status gets him priority theme attention, and with his theme being 'Bathurst / Holden / V8 supercars' and next week being the Great Race....well I don't call that good timing, I call that fate...

In the meantime, this will be the last time that the FF1 asks you to dig deep and donate. It couldn't be easier...drop some cash into the following account, or hit up the PayPal button at the bottom of the page.

BSB: 012287
Acc: 586876922
Acc Name: Mr Michael Burden

$1 - $19 = "Friend of the FF1" status. Your favourite celeb or extreme sport or car gets featured in an edition.

$20 - $49 = "Ambassador" status. You choose a theme, whatever you like (suitable for viewing at work!), and BAM - you're famous. Ambassador status is yours.

$50 - $99 = "Wing Commander" status. A theme of your choosing, but super-sized. You'll also get some cool FF1 merchandise sent to you. YES - merchandise!

$100 + = 'Presidential Gooch" status. You become a member of the FF1 Hall of Fame. Current membership stands at one, so you'll be in exclusive company. Apart from all of the above, you get eternal gratitude and some exclusive FF1 Presidential merchandise!!

Go on - you love the FF1 and it makes you feel good every Friday.
Late again, Happy FridayFun1 Hipsters

Bathurst Addition
shaunous said:
Late again, Happy FridayFun1 Hipsters

Bathurst Addition
I guess I am not into v8s, not a good week for me... I do think the prevalence of VB is a tell tale sign off the V8 demographic though.
Nice south pacific / eco lodge vibe there, took me to a relaxing place.
Could envisage just slaking it on those white sands with a drink in one hand and a ripe coconut in the other.

I'm giving this 11 thumbs up out of a possible 16.
Yeh, but the few bald ladies in there had me, wasn't sure where he was going with that.

Mmmmmm, coconuts.
Aaaaaaah, just checked my emails.


It appears I've been somewhat remiss in getting to one of the themes from LAST year's fundraising efforts - so I take this opportunity to apologise to Ambassador Bosak and present to you the following edition.

There were 12 (yes, twelve) requirements presented by the Ambassador, and I've got them all in. I did however have to tone down one of the 12 themes, and there'll be a prize given to the first person who can correctly identify what that one was....think laterally....there are 4 photos that make up the particular sub-theme.

I've been receiving some excellent donations over the last fortnight, so a MASSIVE thank you to all those who have dropped in some ca$h. Don't forget to send me your theme requests if you haven't already.

So let's get cracking to Ambassador Bosak's FF1.
Hey Brewers, jam this FF1 up ya!


Shouldn't take long to realise what this week's theme is....

To all those Ambassadors (and EMPEROR Gooch - yes, a hearty donation has elevated Presidential Gooch to Emperor status!) who are still to send through their theme ideas - don't leave it too long, or I'll forget and you'll have to wait 50 weeks like Ambassador Bosak did!
Get a Friday up ya!!!


No funny business this week. Straight into the action.

Good Luck to my fellow '1/6 Ironman' team mates this Sunday at the Forster Ironman carnival. Let's smash it!
Happy Happy Friday!!!

Apologies for the radio silence last week - and the lack of an update. As it turns out, I was sunning myself up at Seal Rocks for the week, and with limited internet reception, it was impossible to put together an edition.

To prove I was up there, the last photo is the race bib from the Team 1/2 Ironman I did along with two mates (regulars of the FF1 of course!) on the Sunday. Awesome event raising money and awareness for Tuberous Sclerosis (Australia).

Along with a stack of other people, we raised just over $44,000 (yes, $44,000). Awesome effort and a great event up in Forster. Well done to all the TSC Heroes and Supporters!

So let's get to it.
Happy Friday Chicken Fukers!!!! BuGACK!!!


Dirk, a long time member of the FF1 family, suggested that the party faithful should be called on to execute their civic duty and determine the answer to a very important question. Does Kaley Cuoco - a FF1 favourite - suit her hair short or long? I'll be sending this valuable data to the CSIRO for detailed analysis, and will advise you all of the results next week...check out the online poll at the end of the edition...