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Suck My Big Phat Friday!!!


We did it! We smashed the 100,000 hits! Who'd have thought the original weekly email to a few folks on the LAP would turn into this?!

I toyed with the idea of having an entire theme based on 100,000 but with a new baby and a feisty little toddler, there just wasn't the time!...and not many interesting photos relating to 100,000 as it turns out...who'd have thought??

You will notice there's an unusually large number of photos of In-N-Out burgers. Simply because they are amazing. And yes, that is me wearing a ridiculous LA flat-cap out the front of my first In-N-Out. A true 'Murican moment.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who follow the FF1. From newbies to the old stalwarts, it's been great fun dragging together a bunch of awesome pics each week (and sneaking in the odd photo of my own....) to bring you folks the Friday Fun.

As usual, feel free to forward this to as many people as you can - spread the Friday Fun 1 love!

Here's to the next 100,000
Strap-on barbie and being stabbed with a squirrel.

Good to see bacon is a health choice
Good Friday to you all. First off here's a pic of my setup, 13hours straight driving as of now, with 12hr to go, then we'll rest, then 6hr more, stopping only for fuel, shared driving between 3. Epic Cape York Trip. No Front Bums Allowed!!

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1443726488.167967.jpg

What's also amazing is this week's edition of the FF1...and it's right here after you click...
shaunous said:
Good Friday to you all. First off here's a pic of my setup, 13hours straight driving as of now, with 12hr to go, then we'll rest, then 6hr more, stopping only for fuel, shared driving between 3. Epic Cape York Trip. No Front Bums Allowed!!

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1443726488.167967.jpg

What's also amazing is this week's edition of the FF1...and it's right here after you click...
You suck..

Is that a Ranger doing the towing?
Just got back from there Shaunous You will have an awesome time. Check out Chilli Beach if you have time. But by know you should be well out of phone and email range so probably wont see this till you get back.
I feel like a slice of buxom pizza.

Ha ha - Silly old Volkswagen. Talk about royally ******* yourself.
Now Germany has two crimes against humanity to live down.
Will give the eggs a miss

Aston Martin looks wicked

Could own a Chevelle

Lot to be said about male Moose butting heads
Something particular ******* ominous about that Sea Harrier being elevated onto deck.

I'd still take Freuchens fecal chisel over anything from Bunnings.

You can read about him here. So many more strings to his bow than fashioning lumps of **** into hand tools.

Now what am I going to look forward to tomorrow..
They sell chisels at Bunnings...

I have a block of beeswax that would hold a better edge....
Yep, comes around quick these Fridays.


Love it or hate it - Halloween is upon us. Whether you cast it aside as nothing more than a modern American tradition created by global sugar companies and suppliers of nurse / cop / school teacher outfits (it's actually been around since the Ancient Celts), or if you think it's a nuisance when local kids come and demand lollies you forgot to buy and pelt your house with eggs in return, or whether you see it as harmless fun and a chance for kids to dress up and run around like sugar-fuelled junkies, you'll love the Friday Fun 1 regardless.

So get to it.
A.W.E.S.O.M.O is awesome.

Happy Halloween. Hope the devil eats your souls..



That **** still creeps me out after decades..
Friday was 2 days ago, so what!!!



No theme this week, just a dose of regular FF1 to give you all the smiles on a Friday morning....or a Thursday evening if you're jumping the gun.

Right - make the jump and enjoy this week's edition.
Friday Governor


But until then, check out this week's edition.