Yep - went for a few options - and decided on the $810 option with the lot + these extras
- Neoprene jacket
- Cooling coil (both because currently no fermentation fridge, nor space)
- 1.5" PRV Value
- Gas & Liquid 1.5" TC Connection with Float Ball on Liquid TC Connection
- Closed Pressure transfer
You know what it's like, once you start

. Pain once and ok from then on.
I then also got a sight glass lens from Kegland so I can check in via the 2" port.
2 Inch Tri-Clover Sight Glass Lens (PPSU)
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First brew tomorrow so will let you know how it goes. 15psi was fine for what I want to do and the bigger opening, albeit with more parts to clean, was something that swayed me. Lots of ports "might" come in handy.
I'll see how it pans out over this ferment and report back.