A punctuation mark (') used to indicate possession (e.g., Mark's Homebrew, Mark's Kegable soft drinks)
verb (used with object), cited, citing.
1. to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.), especially as an authority: He cited the constitution in his defense.
2. to mention in support, proof, or confirmation; refer to as an example: He cited many instances of abuse of power.
1. The ability to see.
2. The act or fact of seeing: hoping for a sight of land; caught sight of a rare bird.
3. Field of vision.
4. The foreseeable future; prospect: no solution in sight.
5. Mental perception or consideration: We lost sight of the purpose of our visit.
6. Something seen; a view.
7. Something worth seeing; a spectacle: the sights of London.
8. Informal Something unsightly: Your hair is a sight.
a. A device used to assist aim by guiding the eye, as on a firearm or surveying instrument.
b. An aim or observation taken with such a device.
10. An opportunity to observe or inspect.
11. Upper Southern U.S. A large number or quantity: A sight of people were there.
v. sighted, sighting, sights
1. To perceive with the eyes; get sight of: sighted land after 40 days at sea.
2. To observe through a sight or an optical instrument: sight a target.
3. To adjust the sights of (a rifle, for example).
4. To take aim with (a firearm).
1. To direct one's gaze; look carefully.
2. To take aim: sighted along the barrel of the gun
Actually the registered business name is Marks Home Brew without an apostrophe, a typo by Fair Trading that I really couldnt be arsed changing.
Wouldnt the possessive form be Marks, after all I am neither pluralising nor leaving out any letters?
Then again Im not really too concerned, I know just how dyslexic I am and am really grateful for spellcheckers, tho than can sometimes do some funny things to words, just glad I can get my point across nowadays, you really should see my handwriting.