Beertools Pro

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Playing around with the latest version right now.
Looks like the Promash import is now fixed. Fantastic. I had sent Jeff some recipe files to test with, so all is looking good.
Have requested recipe scaling on efficiency also. Hopefully that makes it into the next update.

Got an email this morning saying full release of BeerTools Pro is due in October.

Is it just me - or is this beta release the single easiest program to crash.

All I have to do is breath and it comes out with exception errors.

Plenty of testing to do yet I reckon.

might explain why they dont support 98SE...

Is it just me - or is this beta release the single easiest program to crash.

All I have to do is breath and it comes out with exception errors.

Plenty of testing to do yet I reckon.


I have used (tested) it extensively over the last few months, and it has crashed twice in that time... I hate to say it, but it might just be you.

Or perhaps I am simply lucky?
Hi Beta testers,

I've registered for testing, but have not received an email, and cannot find the download part as per Lucas' instructions.

Can anyone help me?

cheers, Arnie
I've registered for testing, but have not received an email, and cannot find the download part as per Lucas' instructions.

I think the Beta is closed now. It's ok thou a month or so it will be available to the public.

Would you like Beertools Pro on Linux.
Checkout the details here
If they get interest from 100 Linux users they will compile a version for Linux.

I'll just wait for every one to thrash it to within 2.5 cm's of its software life and report back here.

Then I may trial it, and if it is that good, hell i'll buy it.

As it is now, I like it a lot. If they bothered to respond to any of the feedback i left (i wouldnt care if they just said "not going to happen", that sort of feedback is still better than no feedback) id think about buying it. as things stand I cant say i will once the beta ends. it's not as though they are overrun with suggestions on the beta forums. is there some more "proper" feedback mechanism i'm overlooking?
A release date has been announced.
Beer Tools Pro will be released Oct 24.
See here

A release date has been announced.
Beer Tools Pro will be released Oct 24.
See here


All Beta testers should have received an email by now from Jeff Fowler re the release of Beertools Pro this week and their BeerTools Pro Beta Program Gift.
All Beta testers should have received an email by now from Jeff Fowler re the release of Beertools Pro this week and their BeerTools Pro Beta Program Gift.

Yep, and don't forget it expires in a week (from memory) too.

All Beta testers should have received an email by now from Jeff Fowler re the release of Beertools Pro this week and their BeerTools Pro Beta Program Gift.

Crap, i just checked the spam filtering email i used and it had used the last of its 10 emails. spamgourmet doesnt list any eaten emails since the 13th of september so i think it might be stuffed. i reset the email counter, hopefully it hasnt been sent yet and will get through.

whats the gift for interest sake? discounted purchase of 1.0?
Hey Lucas,

The email came out last Friday.

well, if it was last friday it definitely didnt get blocked since i got an email from there yesterday. still didnt get it though :/

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