Beers In The Shower...

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As the title says, does anyone else indulge in this pleasure?

Personally I love it occasionally. Just finished work (work part time as a gardener whilst I study at uni), and was all hot and dirty and sweaty, and cracking open a nice cold beer while in a hot shower is just so damn relaxing.

Anyone else enjoy the same activity, or anything else similar?
Done it plenty of times, and also had a beer :p

When I played rugby (at the elite suburban fifth grade level), a post game can and a shower was the best.

Beers in a spa though. Make me a little queasy. The theory is bubbles on the inside and outside...bad.
When I played rugby (at the elite suburban fifth grade level), a post game can and a shower was the best.

Beers in a spa though. Make me a little queasy. The theory is bubbles on the inside and outside...bad.

yep, beers in the shower after rugby, specially after a night training when its raining and you're soaked through to the bone and all sore and stiff and freezing in a hot shower are amazing.
Yeah I do that a lot in summer. I have a lawn mowing business and there is nothing better than having a nice cold one in the shower after a hot and sweaty day outside. :beerbang:
Sometimes I really worry about you guys. :lol:
Bourbon cans in the shower is a favorite of mine , as most of my beer comes in bottles or glasses i tend to keep them away from the shower just in case....
Used to do it all the time, preparing to go out on the town. Every now and then, nowadays - it's all good!

Cheers - Mike
i work out in the bush and always head to the shower block with a couple of cans, sometimes take soap if it's been a big day ;)
Hella Yeah! And years ago when I as a dirty smoker, I'd have a can and a 'dirty filthy' as well. It was great, although you had the light it before you got in and keep one hand out... (it does stop you washing things too quickly :blink: )

InCider. :p
Not that I physically labour much any more, but when I did there was truly nothing better than sucking back the first cold one while washing off the filth of a hard days labour.

Beers in the shower rock!

Do it quite regularly
nothing better than beer in the shower. hot on the outside and cool on the inside. Always do it when Im getting ready to go out.

boozing in the pool is of course another great pleasure. especially drinkning straight spirits in a cold pool of a night.
As the title says, does anyone else indulge in this pleasure?

Personally I love it occasionally. Just finished work (work part time as a gardener whilst I study at uni), and was all hot and dirty and sweaty, and cracking open a nice cold beer while in a hot shower is just so damn relaxing.

Anyone else enjoy the same activity, or anything else similar?

Nah, but I do Piss in the shower
Kramer cooks in the shower, so I'll at least drink beer!

Just came across this topic for the first time..

Last year i was at work and a bunch of the guys were talkin about having a beer when they get home..

i happened to mention having a beer in the shower when i got home...

Well...i might as well have just pooed in my hand and ate it.. the looks i got..

I then decided to hide away my evil secret so i could once again live a normal a closet beers in the shower drinker..

But thanks to this post i can once again throw away my inhabitions, grab that beer and chug it down while i soap up my go-nads... be proud of who and what i am... a shower into the crowd and scream in the face of those who prosecute me.....I POO IN MY HAND AND EAT IT!!!!

no wait...thats not right :blink:

Sqyre.... :blink:
Should I mention Golden Ales?

InCider :blink:


the only problem i have found with drinking in the shower is that its a lot easier with a can (bleh) or a stubbie, as you dont get as much/any water in your lovely beer.

which poses a problem with homebrewing, as i like to drink my homebrew out of a glass so i dont get all the yeast sediment in it.

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