Yeah, was just doing some testing and noted that, maybe something the system needs to manage more gracefully, "Please login first" error messagemudd said:Hi John. You need to login first.
Yeah, I know he has his hands very fullmudd said:Have made compmaster admin aware of it. He won't be able to do anything about it straight away though.
In the mean time please bear with it.
2 entries into a category substyletimmi9191 said:I cant seem to find information on entry cut off dates, drop off locations and rules regarding number of entries per style/sub-style.
can anyone please assist.
GrumpyPaul said:the following copied from Compmaster
Entries Open: Mon, 11 Jan 2016, 12:00pm (Australia/Melbourne)
Entries Close: Sat, 13 Feb 2016, 12:00pm (Australia/Melbourne)
Entry Fee: $10.00 AUD
Multi Entry Discount (for second and subsequent entries): $2.00 AUD
Entry Instructions: There are two ways to enter your beers:
Online Entry
Alternatively you can enter the old way:
- Register your entries online at this site (click the "Enter Now..." link to the left)
- Affix the label you are given after payment to the flat side of your bottle (covering the entire label with clear tape)
- Drop your bottle off at your nearest drop off point.
Bottles without payment attached will not be accepted for registration, and can only be retrieved from the event venue.
- Download the entry form from here
- Fill it out
- Put the entry form and payment into an envelope and attach it to your bottle with a rubber band
Drop-off Details
Entries may be delivered to the following participating Victorian Home Brew Shops:
Postal entries are to be sent to The Brewers Den
- Grain & Grape, 5/280 Whitehall St., Yarraville 3013
- Greensborough Home Brewing Supplies, 22 Louis Street. Greensborough 3088
- The Brewer’s Den, 253 Dorset Road Boronia 3155
- Brewers Choice, 1389 Healesville Road, Woori Yallock, VIC. 3139
- Keg King, Warehouse 2 33-35 Smith Rd, Springvale, VIC, 3171
Just to clarify, Does that mean for pale lager its possible to submit two entries but each much be a different style? For example you can enter a german pils and bohemian pils, but not 2 german pils.Yob said:2 entries into a category substyle
for example, in specialty I could enter a wood aged and a fruit.
This is correcttimmi9191 said:Thanks guys, I couldnt get into compmaster when I posted, now I can..
Just to clarify, Does that mean for pale lager its possible to submit two entries but each much be a different style? For example you can enter a german pils and bohemian pils, but not 2 german pils.
Have I got that right?
Thanks for the heads up.fraser_john said:Yeah, I know he has his hands very full
If they follow the guidelines, are entered on compmaster then they will be accepted.SergeMarx said:Would it please be possible to drop off entries to the Royal George as we did last year? Makes far more sense for we locals