Beer Serving Temp's

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I'd like too please know other's preferences on the Temp C* they serve certain beers :unsure: .
i do mine at 3-4 degress and a cold glass
Any of my beers, I luv them at 0 - 1 degree. Cant go past a cold beer


How would you pour a beer that cold ? Assuming you're taking Celsius.......... after all, you are in Wodonga. Or do you like Beer Squishies?
6-8degrees for me
I like a warmer beer and it helps with aroma i recon.. no point spending money on hops if you cant taste or smell em :p
Plus it kinda helps with chill haze. Or more importantly its hazy for less time :)

Does chill haze affect your experience with beer ? You should buy a german stein.
I started a thread on this once. I find most places serve most beers too cold and there is a distinct change in flavour between Chimay at 2 degrees and chimay at 10 degrees.

No, I'm not a pom.

Beer that is meant to be thirst quenching on a hot day works cold for me (but not nipple freezing), other beers I prefer a bit less cold (say between 6 and 10 depending on the beer).

My own beer I tend to drink at ambient temperatures (ambience of the chook shed where they are stored) unless it's summer in which case they'll probably be refrigerated then allowed to come up in temp for an hour. Lagers and lighter coloured beers are an exception - 2-5 degrees for those.

These temps are pretty arbitrary - I don't stick a thermometer in my glass before drinking.
I don't stick a thermometer in my glass before drinking.

So what do you stick into your glass before drinking? A pink straw? A metaphor? Cheesy whore? Some iodophor? Mountain Boar? Scabbed sore ?
4c on the nose.. 74kpa, 3m beer line... perfect everytime..
I've set the TempMate for my beer fridge to 7c; I usually have 4 different types of beer on tap.

I agree with Troopa taste and aroma come out lot more with a higher temperatur. I also have chilled glasses in the freezer compartment for those hot days or for those who love their beer cold.

Does chill haze affect your experience with beer ? You should buy a german stein.

Thats not an easy one to answer
No it doesnt affect my perception of a good beer that ive brewed but i do really enjoy holding a crystal clear light colored brew up to the light and being able to read a newspaper through it. Not that i do that all the time :p

But i can imagine that for most of my mates, chill haze would cloud their experience of one of my brews and that can disappoint me.. strange thing is they still drink it though even if it isnt served at 1 degree :)

But this has all been discussed a hundred+ times in other threads


How would you pour a beer that cold ? Assuming you're taking Celsius.......... after all, you are in Wodonga. Or do you like Beer Squishies?

Yeah 0 or 1 degree, I havent frozen them up yet. Had the underbar fridge running at -2 last summer, perfect for those times when you need a serioulsy cold beer.
between 5c and 15C, depending on the beer...
my fridge is ~ 8c, and I'll often pick my glass to fine tune the temp.
lagers, wheats ~5c - achieved by using glass from the freezer
apa's, aussie ales ~6-7c - achieved by using glass from the (food) fridge
stouts, heavy porters ~15C -usually not on tap, but in bottles.
all others, between 8-12C depending on the beer type, and the ambient temp. Heavier body - towards the warmer end, lighter body towards the cooler end. On the cool end if it's hot, on the warm end if it's cold.

I wouldn't even drink water at 1C.
if you posted between 0 and 2 degrees, please answer this queston. Do you do AG or Kits. I am assuming kits btw...

I have my fridge set to 5 degrees...who knows what temp it comes out at, but I like it between 4 and 8 degrees.
serving temp is not dependant on brewing method. Only changes for beer style
I prefer to drink my beer when I can taste them.
My keg fridge is set at 5C.

This is cold enough for lagers and warm enough for ales.

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