Beer puns - Hop topic!

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Post your favourite / least favourite / lamest / cleverest beer pun here.

Either a real beer or something you've made up, post the label if you can find it.

Try let everyone have a go, 1-2 per person :wacko:
Hoppy daze. Quite a yummy beer actually.

Thank GOD someone started this, I need an outlet.

I was going to print a bunch of shirts as follows:

I've a stout heart
Drop Pils not Pills
Put an apple in cider, not a baby
I remember the saaz epidemic

What happens when you chew too many gluten free cookies?
What do you get when you pour root beer into a square cup?



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I also saw maths being used to prove that women are evil, using the following principles...

women = time x money
time is money
women = money^2
money = √all evil (for those without the symbol, money is root of all evil)
women = (root of all evil)^2
women = all evil

back to beer puns, have a look here:
In the category of lamest, the T-shirt slogan "my drinking team has a rugby problem" must go close.
eungaibitter1 said:
In the category of lamest, the T-shirt slogan "my drinking team has a rugby problem" must go close.

This has to be the lamest I've scene, or just plain cruel t-shirt says "I have worts" and a picture of a mash tun next to it. I must state that I in know way indorse this kind of child abuse. I have no problems if an adult has bad enough taste or a sense of humor to wear it though :unsure:

A bloke on a forum i frequent was just complaining that his mollasses wash started fermenting so fast his dog started barking at it. :D :lol: