Beer Not Carb'd

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My latest brew tastes awesome. I'm stoked with it!

It's just flat.

This was my first attempt at using a secondary fermenter - I made a nut brown ale (partial mash) and had it in the primary for a week, then secondary for 2 weeks. No sanitation issues, much less sediment in the bottles than normal, all looked great. I think I may have gone wrong here - the last couple of days in the secondary, I dropped the temp to like 2C in the fridge - someone had told me to drop the temp at the end, but maybe this was wrong...?

I bottled it mostly in my new Tap-a-Draught kit, making 3 x 6L PET bottles and 4 glass tallies with the left overs, and used dextrose to prime the big ones - measured by weight, had done the sums based on John Palmer's How to Brew instructions so thought that would've been ok, and then used my thrower (I've used it before heaps of times) for the tallies.

I waited a month, which has always been enough time for carbonation (the OG was like 1038) and tried a tallie - delicious, just no sign of carbonation whatsoever. I thought I might've forgotten to prime that bottle, so I hooked up the Tap-a-draught in the fridge as per instructions, and put 2 soda bulbs into my supposedly primed beer.

It came outta there only slightly carb'd, so I added another bulb, and it was like about as carbonated as a warm english ale. Then after about 8 glasses (the thing's still 2/3 full) it totally ran outta steam and wouldn't even push beer out the nozzle - so I added yet another bulb! This brings it up to roughly normal carbonation.

My only conclusion is that originally I must've totally mis-primed, OR that somehow in the secondary my yeast died. My main suspicion is the low temp before bottling, BUT I did let it come back up to room temp to bottle.


Any thoughts? Other experiences with Tap-a-draught? My impression was that you could prime with sugar and use 2 bulbs per bottle, but alternatively (and supposedly not as good) you could use 4 bulbs per bottle and skip the priming. Which sounds like what I've done inadvertently...
When I first started racking to secondary, I had the same issue.

When I rack to secondary (or off the yeast cake in general), I add 1g extra per bottle sugar.

This is just a rule of thumb that I use. It gets me to the same place as a non-racked beer's carbonation. However, I must add that it has no other scientific evidence, just my rule of thumb.

What temp was it stored in bottles?? if it hasnt been held at 18-20c which is ideal for ale yeast then it can take longer up to 2 months I found in winter.

could always add carb drops to the bottles and recarb.

The yeast probably went dormant with the low temperatures but will not be dead.
Not really on the same topic but been wondering it anyway. I bottled a batch of the good doctors golden ale ages ago and had a few bottles sitting in the fridge, i decided to take them out to a mates place and he kept a few on the shelf to have later but found they had gone flat. That has nothing to do with being chilled/warmed/chilled? Just curious as i dont want to lose any more golden nectar ^_^
Not really on the same topic but been wondering it anyway. I bottled a batch of the good doctors golden ale ages ago and had a few bottles sitting in the fridge, i decided to take them out to a mates place and he kept a few on the shelf to have later but found they had gone flat. That has nothing to do with being chilled/warmed/chilled? Just curious as i dont want to lose any more golden nectar ^_^

Glass with caps or PET with screw tops.?
If only a few out of a full batch flat then probably not sealed. Differences in temperature should be fine as long as not fridged straight after bottling.
Glass with caps but had twist tops and lever which i thought was weird as both have held pressure before. Must have just been a weird incident. Sorry for getting away from the OT :)
Thanks for all your responses.

I honestly can't remember how much sugar I added, I was using John Palmer's Nomograph here and converting everything from ounces and gallons etc to metric so I might've slipped up there. Next time I'll use the Aussie Home Brewing Calculator as suggested and that tells me to use about 27.5gm sugar for my 6L PET's. I imagine I would've gone something similar to that originally.

Good call on the longer conditioning times in winter, lately it's been getting down to 7-10C at night so I have no idea what the beer temp has been sitting at! I might wait another month before cracking more brew open.

Cheers again, this was my first post but I've been gaining valuable knowledge from this forum for a few weeks now, just hit my 2nd all-grain BIAB brew and it's onwards and upwards from here!
Is this the first time you've used the TAD bottles? did you purchase the Tap-a-draft caps with the rubber seals?

I've read about the stock standard ones leaking somewhere

*edit* ooops just saw that you tried a tallie & it was flat.... never mind :p
Is this the first time you've used the TAD bottles? did you purchase the Tap-a-draft caps with the rubber seals?

I've read about the stock standard ones leaking somewhere

*edit* ooops just saw that you tried a tallie & it was flat.... never mind :p

But yeah, I did use the special caps anyway... :)
Where do you get 6L PET bottles? And do they fit normal caps? These would be great with a carbonation cap!
yeah Id wait it out. winter was always a bitch for carbing ales for me and I never went to much extent to try minimise yeast in bottles either. But you can filter with a 1 micron filter and still bottle but again they may take months to carb, So just having it in secondary I cant find a issue and bet heaps have done before. As you say could been a conversion error but if it sounds close again wouldnt worry.

This forum is full of good information and does help alot but there is usually 2 or more sides to everything so just find what works best for you and stick to that if you try to try everything you will never make consistent beer and thats ideally what we are all aiming for is consistency how you get there is your own path :p
Where do you get 6L PET bottles? And do they fit normal caps? These would be great with a carbonation cap!
Nah, sorry mate they are big custom built caps

I get my bottles from Ibrew but they aren't cheap! 17 bucks a pop if memory serves me correctly

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