Beer Labels And Logos

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I think well give it a go I'll speak to some printers next week and see what we will be up for.
I have a great contact who does all the screen printing on banner and signs and stubbie holders etc where i work could ask him for a price if you like Franko chuck me a PM and I will check it out
I'll take one too franko...

great works should be on display, they would make a good poster..

You could try warb Franko,he will print it on gloss vinyl that is a sticker for a fridge or can be framed for a bar room.
I have emailed him several times in the last week about another matter without an answer,so he maybe away.
Looking forward to what ever you come up with.

You forgot mine for the comp Franko :( :( .
A poster is a great idea, it would look good behind the bar.
Oh I like the way you think Batz. The vinyl sounds like the way to go.
I got a poster on eBay with beers from around the world. It has the bottle and a glass filled with that beer. If you could all submit your fav drop or label and then take a digital pic to sit alongside the label it would look even better I reckon.

I'd be in for sure.
Heres my Latest creation for Little Squares for the upcoming Russian Imperial Stout
Hope you like it Mel


Truly oustanding Franko :super: You've lifted yet another level & I didn't think that was possible :beer:

Chers Ross
Bloodly hell !
Getting very professional now Franko,that looks great.

That's World Class Franko - fantastic stuff.

Frank, thanks for realising the vision that is a Russian Imperial. A truly dark, gothic label for a dark, gothic beer!

Any chance of adding a watermarked W under the Imperial? The recipe giver for this fine beverage (Berp) deserves a mention.

I'm so happy with the label I could drink another beer in it's honour!
I am drinking a large RIS as I type and would LOVE a lebel to suite the stlye, again well done.
to repeat what has been said: Your in the wrong game man.

Edit typos after RIS.