Beer Factory Wollongong

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Loophole .... Tax Office .... silly boy !

They pay excise at a 'consessional rate' as they 'produce beer for non-commercial purposes using commercial facilities or equipment' - Google is your friend

Hey, stop picking on the Tax Office. They make sure I have plenty of customers :icon_cheers:
The brew your own facilities around the country are surely good for home brew as a craft. No doubt a lot of brewers eventually twig that they could be doing all this at home for a fraction of the price, then bang - another home brewer and customer for the LHBS, then eventually the sponsors etc.

Spot on Bribie :icon_cheers: I was exactly in this position a few years ago, and they (Beer factory Seven Hills) were responsible for getting my hooked on this caper.

They are an option for those with not much time or equipment to give brewing a go. The beer I made there was pretty bloody good actually as their process are good most importantly temp control....

As for excise my understanding is that because the customer is involved in the brewing process (to an extent) the excise is somewhat reduced.
I've brewed beer at barley corn here in melbourne - which is a similar type setup.

Beer was good. Way better than my attempts previously at kits. It got me more interested in brewing. Best of all for $180 or what ever it costs I spent about 2 hours there one day. Had no clean up. Came back 2 - 3 weeks later and bottled crystal clear beer. Something I'd never achived with "home brew" before (mind you my attempts at home brew previously were limited to school boy efforts and trying to produce cheap beer fast).

I've suggested a few mates give it a go. One mate regularly heads down with a bunch of his mates they "hire" 3 kettles at a time and brew big lots at a time and they "case swap". It gets him cheaper beer, he has a hand in the process of manufacturing his beer and he has a blast. Best of all he is interested in setting up AG when he gets his own place one day.

Another mate has given it a go and decided he liked it. He now regularly brews at home with kits & extracts and he is the one im trying to convince to give BIAB a go. He actually has a pretty sweet setup with 4 kegs and 2 temp controlled fridges (with tempmates). Not bad for a bloke who 2 years ago wouldnt even drink beer!

Obviously my attempts have lead me towards AG myself. But if someone bought me a voucher (which is why I ended up there in the first place) I'd certainly head down and put down another easy brew. Why bloody not?

Plus its not a bad source of crown seal bottles!