LOL that termometer one is a gem colin
Ive got another to add now.
Just yesterday I was bottling my lager, all was going fine, I was using one of those bottling friend things.. It was always been great and this time when I went to take the bottle out it didnt stop....the bottle kept filling up, beer folowing everywhere out of the top. I took to bottle away to find the valve floating in my king brown and beer flowing at a rapid rate onto the ground.
I quickly stuck my thumb over the end and spent the next 20 mins fishing the valve out of the neck, I had to top up the bottle with boiled water to get the valve to float to the surface. For a while there It deadset looked like one of those beer bongs with the beer flowing out of the tube, accept in sted of a funnel it was attacked to a 20L bucket
BTW...about 15 bottles later the bloody thing came of again!! so I checked the valve was on properly before I filled each bottle after that. I think the pressure of the fluid pushing of the vavle when it turned off was firing the end off.
Might have to do some repairs on it before the next bottling session. Either that or I will buy a new one.