Ballarat Beer Festival

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Stone field were ******* awesome. For young girls they really rocked.
Truman..i envy you people nice weather and nice beer.but some have to work..Enjoy :icon_cheers:
Punch that redheaded, philosphically waxing, tattooed eternal student in the arm for me would you Truman? Really really really hard.

In an affectionate way of course. Make it bleed.
A great time had by the BAR! Been a great day, look forward to next time! Thanks to all the AHB members who came and said g'day!
Stone field were ******* awesome. For young girls they really rocked.

Totally agree.
I rocked up at 11am and it was borderline spitting/grey clouds and the wind was fkn cold! Sun popped out and started burning the hell out of me.

This one went down a treat..




Still have a few to upload..
Punch that redheaded, philosphically waxing, tattooed eternal student in the arm for me would you Truman? Really really really hard.

In an affectionate way of course. Make it bleed.

After 2 pm I probably wouldn't have noticed- the only beer I really liked was Prickly Moses raconteur so drank mostly that all arvo (after having 100mls of everything I hadn't tried before), got one-eyed drunk and and went home at 5pm haha. Way too many people and ques and noise for my liking, but I got good feedback from a few brewers on my irish red and APA that somehow accidentally made their way into the venue via my backpack early in the morning (1.5L diet coke bottle full of irish red looks ok as long as no one sees the bed of wy1318 on the bottom of it).

I get along with the Ballarat HBS people really well, but it was slightly restricting being tarred with the same brush and sharing the tent as they aren't AG and couldn't really provide the sort of info that some people were chasing and it made us look 'in cahoots'; in an attempt to remain impartial I (subtly) advised a lot of people to check out the site sponsors and other LHBS's as well.

I found the price wasn't as restrictive as I thought it would be...when pouring 100mls/one token's worth of beer I found most people poured significantly more than that, and two tokens for 200mls worked out great (rather than 3 tokens for 285mls) in a 285ml plastic cup as they were guessing again and the serves were generous. 200mls in the plastic wine glass provided by the event fell short of the mark though as it would be at least a third full of head.

I can also safely say that I drank nothing that I would consider significantly (or otherwise) superior to anything I drank from the last Melbourne case swap I went to (off hand I can think of 5 beers from that case swap - one of which was a kegged beer that wasn't part of the official swap - that were markedly tastier than yesterdays offerings), and even compared to some of the B.A.R. beers I've had. But of course I understand that to make a living you can't have a stable of beers that make peoples teeth chatter and skulls implode so certain characteristics have to be toned down.

And that's what I reckon.

Edit: I forgot - HUGE thanks to Kappow (?) - drove HOURS to get there and when he left he dropped off the remainder of his tokens to us. I distributed them in a way I saw fit haha - thanks chief! Great to meet a few of the other blokes also.
bastards the lot of you... I had to go to a wedding and the only beer was carlton dry :icon_vomit:

I asked the barman for some hops at some point and his reply was "whats that?" :blink: and when told him that I grow my own hops and make my own beer said "can you do that?" :lol:

Worst hangover Ive had in ages... also corresponds to the first time Ive endured Megaswill in ages.

Glad you fellas were able to enjoy a good beer event and saddened that I had to miss it.

All good mate was well worth the drive had an awesome time. Was good to meet the B.A.R crew and have a good old chat
Yes it was a great day, The were turning people away at the gate sortly after 1pm so I will make sure I pre-book tickets next year as I woudnt want to miss out. The queues were pretty painful and I spent a large portion of my time drinking one beer while lined up to try another :( ! When I left at around 5 some tents were beginnning to run low or even out of some of the range of beers...I hope there was enough left to keep the thirsty crowd satisfied up until the close at 8pm?

I imagine the organisers will be happy with it and I expect it to be bigger and better next year....I will be attending for sure!

Great to meet some of the BAR crew...we should definately arrange a case swap with the Corio Bay Brewers sometime this year!

Greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat Day people. Great to meet a few and chat to a few punters. Good interest in home brewing from punters in general.

Was busy, but managed to fine a few short lines here and there.


Favourite quote from a unnamed punter, "Taste this Black IPA, I swear they put skunk in it". It was intensely hoppy, but enjoyable. They'd emptied the keg so I didn't get a glass of it.


Great day indeed.
Apart from sunburnt heads because we thought it was going to be cool and left our hats at home but there was a lot a great beer.

Our favourite (cant remember the Brewery) but it was an ESB.

Even met this girl... I shall say hi to the "Manager"
Great day for sure, ideal place to "have an incurable thirst".

The promoters should be more than happy with gate numbers, so look out next year.

A few of us were interrogated during our brewing display which was a lot of fun and may have converted a few to all grain, who knows.
Now all we need to do is find a way to serve some beer, it was painful having a beer engine pumping only water!

If anyone has a picked up a navy blue AHB jacket, its mine, I will swap a beer for its safe return.
That jacket did get picked up, by which BAR member I can't remember. I echo the sentiments from Lecterfan re: some of the advice given by our co-tenants. A beer engines sole purpose is NOT to take gas out of the beer! Nice people, just a little confused about some aspects of beer. I think the most enjoyable part was chatting to the brewers who swung by at the smell of a brew on the boil. That and talking brewing with the interested punters and AHB members.


Our favourite (cant remember the Brewery) but it was an ESB.

I'd be interested to know who that was - there were a few stalls I didn't try as I had already had their beers and weren't impressed with them....

Great day for sure, ideal place to "have an incurable thirst".

The promoters should be more than happy with gate numbers, so look out next year.

A few of us were interrogated during our brewing display which was a lot of fun and may have converted a few to all grain, who knows.
Now all we need to do is find a way to serve some beer, it was painful having a beer engine pumping only water!

If anyone has a picked up a navy blue AHB jacket, its mine, I will swap a beer for its safe return.

Herbo and Vic13 helped me with the "incurable thirst" today hahaha...

Re: jacket - talk to vic13

Apparently something like 7,000 went through when they were expecting 3,000 and catering for 4,000....that's just hearsay though...
Hey guys,

Had a great day yesterday :D Lots of good beer and very friendly, sensible crowds. Was shocked by one fellow who approached a stall and asked "what is the closest beer you have to Melbourne Bitter?"
I hope all you drunken bastards behaved ,my company had the big toilet trailer there ,so if i see any bloody vomit or disarray tomorow morning,look out ,cos i gotta clean it :D
Hey guys,

Had a great day yesterday :D Lots of good beer and very friendly, sensible crowds. Was shocked by one fellow who approached a stall and asked "what is the closest beer you have to Melbourne Bitter?"

Sensible crowds: I only saw one guy get expelled, and he was obviously a right turd of a thing. Melb bitter: That would've been Mesa99 :p

I hope all you drunken bastards behaved ,my company had the big toilet trailer there ,so if i see any bloody vomit or disarray tomorow morning,look out ,cos i gotta clean it :D

I had a piss on the truck for the pure novelty of pissing on a truck. Fantastic. We were discussing the potential news headlines should some kind of jack-knifing incident occur on the Western Highway...
I'd be interested to know who that was - there were a few stalls I didn't try as I had already had their beers and weren't impressed with them....

I remember it was whoever was to the right of Prickly Moses - It might have been Holgates ESB.
I remember it was whoever was to the right of Prickly Moses - It might have been Holgates ESB.

That'd be right - I didn't bother sampling from them wot I had already tasted, and Holgate was one of the good call to you guys...although my personal preference still would've led me back to the raconteur IPA...

Pity Holgate couldn't run it through a proper hand pump...pity we had a proper hand pump and could only run water through it haha
Kooindas black IPA did it for me.

Not only cause it tastes great but because the guy was pouring me full glasses and only charging one ticket. A lot of people were only charging 2 tickets for a full glass and some would even hand it over and wave you on saying dont worry about the ticket.

The lines were long but they did move fairly quickly most of the time.

The missus enjoyed it but got very sunburnt on her back, so like a good husband I rubbed soothing lotion all over her when we got back to the motel room.. ;)

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