Babbs Mini Comps - Who's Going To Compete?

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Dalmorton NSW
As the New Year is wheeling around my thoughts have been steering towards what my goals for 2010 will be. Obviously #1 for me is giving up the bungers (yet again!) but moreover my goal this last year was to get my brewery properly set up so I could seriously compete and knock out some good beers. Well I achieved that with building and then HERMS-ing "Sherman". So I guess this next year has to be the extension of that and hopefully compete in the BABBS mini-comps, QABC and if the brewing God's are with me the AABC.

The one element I have always enjoyed about the monthly BABBS meetings are the mini-comps and the memberships participation in judging. Also the feedback IMO is invaluable and a very good measure to hone your brewing skills. So that's where I want to concentrate my brewing energy, if the other comps materialise then all good but if not I won't be disappointed.

Anyway I'm wondering if any other brewers are planning on having a stab at the BABBS mini-comps or are just planning to compete for the first time?

Cheers and Beers for the New year!

As the New Year is wheeling around my thoughts have been steering towards what my goals for 2010 will be. Obviously #1 for me is giving up the bungers (yet again!) but moreover my goal this last year was to get my brewery properly set up so I could seriously compete and knock out some good beers. Well I achieved that with building and then HERMS-ing "Sherman". So I guess this next year has to be the extension of that and hopefully compete in the BABBS mini-comps, QABC and if the brewing God's are with me the AABC.

The one element I have always enjoyed about the monthly BABBS meetings are the mini-comps and the memberships participation in judging. Also the feedback IMO is invaluable and a very good measure to hone your brewing skills. So that's where I want to concentrate my brewing energy, if the other comps materialise then all good but if not I won't be disappointed.

Anyway I'm wondering if any other brewers are planning on having a stab at the BABBS mini-comps or are just planning to compete for the first time?

Cheers and Beers for the New year!


Absolutely Chappo. Im gonna have a few entries this year having started AG. Mainly just for fun and the feed back to improve my quality, technique and control.Im not expecting to be competetive over all but may jag a good result along the way.
Is there a list of which style for each month posted anywhere yet? :icon_cheers:
Good to see Daz. I'll be looking forward to your beers mate!

See here

Last page has the comps and style for the mini comps.

January - Mash Paddle beer unveilled
February - Pale Ale and Bitter
March - American Ale
May - Dark Ale
June - Porter and Stout
July - Mash Paddle Beer BABBS Annual Comp
September - Belgian Ale
October - Lager/Pilsner

Chap Chap :icon_cheers:
I'll be having a crack. Cubed the feb entry trial yesterday and will have time to test and adjust in time for the comp..

Cheers Brad
As the New Year is wheeling around my thoughts have been steering towards what my goals for 2010 will be. Obviously #1 for me is giving up the bungers (yet again!) but moreover my goal this last year was to get my brewery properly set up so I could seriously compete and knock out some good beers. Well I achieved that with building and then HERMS-ing "Sherman". So I guess this next year has to be the extension of that and hopefully compete in the BABBS mini-comps, QABC and if the brewing God's are with me the AABC.

The one element I have always enjoyed about the monthly BABBS meetings are the mini-comps and the memberships participation in judging. Also the feedback IMO is invaluable and a very good measure to hone your brewing skills. So that's where I want to concentrate my brewing energy, if the other comps materialise then all good but if not I won't be disappointed.

Anyway I'm wondering if any other brewers are planning on having a stab at the BABBS mini-comps or are just planning to compete for the first time?

Cheers and Beers for the New year!


February is a good starter with the Pale Ale and bitters. Chappo, if you are attempting a UK style ale, a good yeast provides a firm foundation. A good example is 1469.

Hint 1469

Did I say 1469?????

Sully has your bottle and I hope he remembered to fridge it :ph34r:
Thanks Bribie your very kind for that! Might have to give you and Brad a run for ya money! Hahaha not likely but who knows?

@Brad - Sorry I missed the brew day yesterday but had another trailer incident where I lost the entire wheel off the box trailer in the fooking rain. Let's just say by the time I sorted that out I wasn't in the mood except to murder my FIL for putting the wrong studs on the hubs when changing over the wheels to mags.

Chap Chap
Your trailer and F.I.L. is turning into a mini series. Have you sold the rights yet? :rolleyes:
Thanks Bribie your very kind for that! Might have to give you and Brad a run for ya money! Hahaha not likely but who knows?

@Brad - Sorry I missed the brew day yesterday but had another trailer incident where I lost the entire wheel off the box trailer in the fooking rain. Let's just say by the time I sorted that out I wasn't in the mood except to murder my FIL for putting the wrong studs on the hubs when changing over the wheels to mags.

Chap Chap

No worries Chap...... Gee i hope someone didn't do the ol switcharoo with that 1469 :ph34r: I am sure I had a similar bottle of farmland lager yeast trub in the fridge that has been replaced. B)

No worries Chap...... Gee i hope someone didn't do the ol switcharoo with that 1469 :ph34r: I am sure I had a similar bottle of farmland lager yeast trub in the fridge that has been replaced. B)


No that's the one that Tidal Pete used when he couldn't get up the stairs to the loo.
Good to see Daz. I'll be looking forward to your beers mate!

See here

Last page has the comps and style for the mini comps.

January - Mash Paddle beer unveilled
February - Pale Ale and Bitter
March - American Ale
May - Dark Ale
June - Porter and Stout
July - Mash Paddle Beer BABBS Annual Comp
September - Belgian Ale
October - Lager/Pilsner

Chap Chap :icon_cheers:

Thanks for the link old chap.
Best I pull the finger out and do something.
I am going to give the BABBs minicomps my best this year, infact I have made a callender and schemed and plotted out my brewing intentions for the minicomps, championships and QABC10. My motto "don't stuff with what works"



edit: spellin

I really need to get the electric system up and running too.
I am going to give the BABBs minicomps my best this year, infact I have made a callender and schemed and plotted out my brewing intentions for the minicomps, championships and QABC10. My motto "don't stuffwith what works"



Oh crap BD! I was hoping that new brewery of yours might have given me an outside chance, even slowed you down a tad. Shivers! :( I better crack some grain and start brewing.

On the upside more awesome beers from the BrownDog can't be a bad thing!

BTW I hear those chinese hops are exceptional in a Pale Ale, you should try them... :ph34r: :lol:

Chap Chap
Oh crap BD! I was hoping that new brewery of yours might have given me an outside chance, even slowed you down a tad. Shivers! :( I better crack some grain and start brewing.

On the upside more awesome beers from the BrownDog can't be a bad thing!

BTW I hear those chinese hops are exceptional in a Pale Ale, you should try them... :ph34r: :lol:

Chap Chap

Mate, BribieG and Ross with his new system scares me, plus all the usual dark horses in the club. Hopefully some good competiton thought the year culminates in a good showing by QLD in the Nats.

Mate, BribieG and Ross with his new system scares me, plus all the usual dark horses in the club. Hopefully some good competiton thought the year culminates in a good showing by QLD in the Nats.


Oh crap!!!!! I'm done before I start!

You and the new beast! Ross and his damn new mega Sabco! BribieG and his pillow case. Mothballs. Pocket Beers. The Scientist, PaulH... wait PaulH doesn't brew! :ph34r: :lol: Hey there might be an opeing yet!

Here here BD we will have a great showing at the QABC and AABC this year!

Chap Chap
What?? Do you mean you have to brew to enter these comps?? Well that counts me out then...

Here I got you a can of this Sully!


infact I have made a callender and schemed and plotted out my brewing intentions for the minicomps, championships and QABC10.

Top idea Browndog. Might sit down and fill out the calender myself.

Cheers Brad

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