Australia Day Recipes For Food With Beer

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Post your recipes for food to enjoy with beer on Australia Day.

This great Australia Day BBQ Lamb Recipe is posted with the permission of Chill John Boland of The Byron Bay Chilli Co.
Will be great with lots of Australia Pale Ale on Australia Day.



4-5 kg leg of lamb, boned and butterflied


3 large shallots, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup red wine

1/2 cup olive oil

2 tablespoons dried sage or rosemary

1 teaspoon salt

freshly ground black pepper


125 g grainy mustard

freshly ground black pepper

3 tablespoons olive oil


BBCC's Jack Thompson Honey Mustard BBQ Sauce (yum)


Combine marinade ingredients. Pour over lamb and marinate in refrigerator overnight. Just before grilling, prepare crust mixture.

Combine mustard and pepper and slowly whisk in olive oil. Remove lamb from marinade, pat dry. Coat both sides of lamb with mustard mixture.

Place lamb on hot grill and sear both sides for 3 minutes each. Turn heat to medium, cover grill and cook lamb on both sides until done, about 35-45 minutes. When lamb is nearly cooked, brush with Jack Thompson's Honey Mustard BBQ Sauce on both sides repeatedly.

Serve additional BBQ sauce for dipping.

It is suggested that this be served on a plate with rice pilaf and a fresh salad.

If there are any leftovers, I will be rolling some chunks of lamb into a warm, grilled, soft flour tortilla, drizzling Jack Thompson's Old Smokey or Original BBQ Sauce over it, adding a bit of fresh onion and crunchy, shredded cabbage then rolling it all up Oz Mex style into a lamb burrito.

But I do that with just about everything.

Love, Good Food and Happy Australia Day to everyone, everywhere.

The Bolands
I love a good food thread but it doesn't seem to many have much to offer which is a bit sad....... anyway. :chug:

Most of the recipes I do don't really require much of a recipe rather than just a basic idea. I have too many too mention so I thought I'd just bump this thread to the top for now and think about it.

Come on brewers there must be a few gold recipes out there.

Boozed, broozed and broken boned.
Having a roast for lunch,
Then one of these for tea.

Self explanantory ;)


We're firing up some lamb chops on the barbie, a'la'natural with a dash of S&P, you know it makes sense!
Having a roast for lunch,
Then one of these for tea.

Self explanantory ;)

Nice Pic Johnno, couldn't get much more Aussie than that, BUT WHERE'S THE BEER JOHNNO :D
Just a fingerfood thing here, heaps tasty and so simple even a halfwit could make em.

Cheesy pastry rolls.

Get some sheets of frozen puff pastry

Smother tomato, BBQ, sweet chili, sour cream or whatever sauce you feel like over each sheet.

Grate lots of cheese over top.

Roll each sheet up into a long roll, and cut pieces about an inch thick.
(I think you can brush milk or egg over it to make it golden or something... ask a chef)

Stick em on a greased tray and throw in the oven (180-220... just take a guess) for about 10-15minutes till they puff up.

Put em on a plate, and serve hot or cold!

Petesbrew :beer:
I'm thinking Lamb. Sam says it's os-strayl-yun so it must be!

Ah! Slamming Sammy Kekovich... My boyhood idol. Once saw him in a game against Collingwood. He ran shoulder first into a goal post and snapped it in half... Some will argue that he possibly hit his head on the way too. :lol:

Myself I'm tossing a few kranskies on the BBQ after my brewday on Friday. :rolleyes:

Warren -
My reccomendation is the plain old sausages, bread, sauce, and copius amounts of beer.

As is tradition this year (and last) i seem to be rostered to work on all good drinking public holidays...:( oh well... i'm off st pats day!! anyone got a recipie for a green APA?)
I'm on an AFM (alcohol free month) after my long Summer holiday. I drank lots of beer pretty much every day for 6 weeks :blink: so I need to give the old liver a chance to recover. No Australia Day beer swilling for me :(

I'll having a seafood BBQ, marinated tuna steaks, skewered prawns, chilli occy, eggplant etc cooked in the Weber.
I'm on an AFM (alcohol free month) after my long Summer holiday. I drank lots of beer pretty much every day for 6 weeks :blink: so I need to give the old liver a chance to recover. No Australia Day beer swilling for me :(

I'll having a seafood BBQ, marinated tuna steaks, skewered prawns, chilli occy, eggplant etc cooked in the Weber.

Sounds good PM going to add the Chilli Octopodi to our Aussie Day fare.
I'm shooting (camera) Sam K and some cricket bloke today.
Looking forward to meeting him. (i won't be wearing sandals or munching on mung beans)
I'm surprised nobody's come up with

- Coopers Pale Ale Ice cream (yes there is a recipe for it),00.htm

- Steak and Ale pie (kidney optional)

- Beer battered barra/prawns/fish/chicken

Oh yeah, don't forget to make some beer mustard, seriously, you can use beer in place of vinegar/wine/water in making up some of your own mustard.

Coarse Spicy Beer Mustard

Ingredients :

Makes about 2 cups

* 1/4 cup white mustard seeds
* 2 heaping Tbs. black or brown mustard seeds
* 1/4 cup dry mustard (see note)
* 1/2 cup dark beer or ale
* 1-1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
* 1 small onion, minced
* 2 Tbs. brown sugar
* 1 tsp. salt
* 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
* 1 tsp. ground allspice
* 1/4 tsp. turmeric
* 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg

# Preparation :

1. Combine the mustard seeds with the dry mustard.
2. In a small saucepan, combine the remaining ingredients. Simmer, uncovered, over medium heat until reduced by half, 10 to 12 minutes.
3. Add to the mustard mixture. Let sit for 48 hours, unrefrigerated. Check periodically to make sure the seeds are still covered with liquid; add more beer or vinegar if necessary.
4. Transfer the seeds and liquid to a food processor and run until the mixture is creamy but the seeds remain coarse and grainy, 3 to 4 minutes.
5. Put the mustard in jars and cap tightly. Age at least three days in the refrigerator. If the mustard gets too thick, add a bit more vinegar.

But nothing beats fresh king prawns on the BBQ, butterfly cut and cooked with a bit of beer/white wine and garlic :beerbang:

Screw lamb, that's for washed-up angry AFL hacks. :rolleyes: :excl: <flame suit on>
They are AWESOME!!!!! where'd you get them from dude?
I'd like to order 4 Aussie Dick Roasters, did you make them.

BTW DJR, sent your mustard recipe off to John Boland at The Byron Bay Chili Co. He thinke the recipe looks great and is going to try it.

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