Article In Moonee Valley Weekly

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Unhappy camper
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Bentleigh, Vic
A front page feature and double page spread on the homebrewing scene has appeared in this weeks Moonee Valley Weekly (Melbourne).

Focus is primarily on members of the Westgate Brewers Club, which is understandable given that is the publication area.

Congrats to Ferg for getting his ugly mug in the paper!


geez brett. since youve breeched the copyright by posting it, you could have scanned it in at a higher res so we could read the article! :p

nice work ferg.

edit: we are an "underground band" of people. woohoo. we are alternative and edgy apparently.
geez brett. since youve breeched the copyright by posting it, you could have scanned it in at a higher res so we could read the article! :p

nice work ferg.
< 5% of a work does not constitute a copyright breach, AFAIK.

Bloody Picasa web doing lossy resizing, the original scanned JPG is fine.
edit: we are an "underground band" of people. woohoo. we are alternative and edgy apparently.
I'm picturing a bunch of people wearing tshirts that have che guevera drinking a beer on them.
i magnified it...
I must have a crappy screen. its still horrible. but i get the gist of the article. not bad at all. i cringed slightly at the mention of the of chestnut around here about 'old kegs'. I have images of the keg police coming!

better than most of the Age/SMH articles on brewing.
wow this is great!. The last time I saw anything in the QLD "rags" about HB was 2 years ago, it's what got me into brewing.

The article was in a major paper in the color supplement on the weekend, also in the paper too (just a recap type add thing to make to go read the full thing)

It went on and on how much cheaper it was to make and how much "better" it tasted, and how you could get 2 mates and spread the 70-120+$ out and EACH get 3 and a bit cartons !!! (I thought the price was a misprint)

I tried to find this magical place, after 4 hours of driving around I spotted it, I went inside and was told It would coat upwards of 100$ to make my brew, as I was pretty much out of funds I left... on the way home I spotted a home brew shop, thinking this was another brew on premisis affair I nearly drove by, But i went in and was amazed I could get a starter kit plus make the same beer at home! all for half what Id be charged to "borrow" someones gear!

But it was that first article that got me, and it turns out quite a few others.. There was a LINE to get in this LHBS that day!!!
I reject the assertion that we aren't all pissheads!!

Nice job Westgaters - good to see you guys getting the word out there!!

But seriously Ferg - American/British hybrid mate - just couldn't make up your mind or what?? :lol:
Thanks everyone for your comments...we were contacted by the journo who originally wanted to do a story on people who do things at home that make them self sufficient... Turns out the only group he easily found was a brew club...different spread lay out to what was posted to what I got in the marybirnong news....
The hb community is a wonderful brewerhood and westgate are proud to spread the word !!!
Thanks everyone for your positive comments !

Sent from my iPhone ... So watch the spellink !

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