StalkingWilbur said:
So you're allowed to ban for a personality conflict? ...
It might not be for having the actual conflict, it might be more the way the conflict was conducted.
I'd be of a similar mind to Mardoo - it's v sad to see long time members and brewers get struck down by the ban hammer. I've greatly appreciated Nev's input over the couple of years I've been following AHB.
Unfortunately people sometimes seem to get a bee in their bonnet about something (they believe is) unfair and their emotions get the better of them.
On the other hand, we're all adults and should be capable of behaving appropriately, not letting the red mist take over.
I know I'm still relatively new here, however I've noticed a big change over the past 2 years. And to be honest, I think it's generally much better for the absence of snarky comments, DASFFS's and various other bitchy comments/squabbles. At the same time there was a loss of some highly knowledgeable brewers due to their breaches of the enforced code of conduct. However, I get the impression there was a loss of many more great brewers previously due to the aforementioned bitchiness.
And most of us have to deal with people being arses on a regular basis in normal life. I for one don't want to come home to log into my favorite hobby forum and have to deal with more of them. If that comes at the cost of me not being one either, then so be it.
So I find the implementation of a stronger code of conduct to be much better for AHB overall.
I guess I'd see the likes of Nev as being a bit more like collateral damage. Someone who, like mardoo mentioned maybe, generally was doing the right thing and just got worked up over something (not the first time, as mentioned, but still quite infrequently).
I'm obviously making some broad assumptions here.
However, rules is rules.
And we're all adults, so should be behaving responsibly *and* respectfully.
Wish Nev all the best and sincerely thank him for his valuable input into the community.