Application for homebrewers : iBrewer

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Hi everybody,

we are an italian team of three young engineers with a strong passion for Homebrewing.

After a long developing time, we finally completed our work: an application for Homebrewers, for Apple devices: “iBrewer”. The italian version is obtaining a good success so we decided to develop also the international version.

In a few words, our app helps you during every single brewing phase, also during production phases as mashing, filtering and boiling. Moreover, you can write notes and take photos whenever you want, so that you will never lose any information about your beers.

Here you find everything :

Apple Store :

Our App is costantly updated also thanks to suggestions and feedbacks received by users.
We are interested in your opinion also to improve our application.

We would like to thank the Forum Administrators for allowing us to write here.

Greetings to all !

The iBrewer team .

Dear DU99,

we are already working on the Android version.
It will be available as soon as possible.
An updated new software to rival beersmith since promash isnt being updated is welcome however yes there needs to be an android version. So many of us use android. Hopefully its mac and pc compatible. Lots of us still use a computer. Interoperability is key.
Not to sound like a tight-arse, but $5.50 is more than the usual 99c for an untested App. Maybe release a trial (lite) version?

Also, why doesnt anyone add in a stock control area, where you can list what grains/hops/yeast you have, and the App can keep a track of that as you brew?
Cosmic Bertie said:
Not to sound like a tight-arse, but $5.50 is more than the usual 99c for an untested App. Maybe release a trial (lite) version?

Also, why doesnt anyone add in a stock control area, where you can list what grains/hops/yeast you have, and the App can keep a track of that as you brew?
Beersmith does. You can keep an inventory of your grains, hops etc...
Dear Cosmic Bertie, our App is not untested.
We just want to know your opinion about it in order to improve it because we know there is always something to do.

Wbosher, we thought about the inventory, but maybe it is not so practical..
If we receive others suggestions about it, we will insert it in next releases, so it will be free for who has already bought the app.
That's the meaning of what I wrote before : asking your opinions for improving, not for testing :)
I was just responding to Cosmic Bertie's post. I have never used this function, and probably never will. I guess some may find it useful though.
wbosher, I didn't want to criticize anything, I'm sorry if I seemed aggressive. It's not our intention.

Anyway, everybody has his preferred tool for brewing.

We think our software could be useful for homebrewers, this is our work.
Don't worry, I don't think you were aggressive, I was just pointing out that it is not a function that I believe I would ever use. Notepad does the trick quite nicely for keeping an inventory. :)
Ahah I thought you were talking about our app, not about that specific function. Sorry, maybe I need more english lessons :D
I like the stepped mash setting with timers. But befoe I buy it can you export and import recipes to your PC? I would use this on brew day but want to be able to export them to my PC to be able to open them in Brewmate or beersmith and save and print them for my brew book.
or if I find a recipe and set it up in Brewmate I want to be able to import it into ibrewer to use on brew day.
Whoops. Thanks Angus.

IBrewer, as you were :)
Dear Truman and Chinamat, your opinion is very interesting and we put it in our future things to do.

For now, iBrewer can export the global overview of your recipe with an email.
In this email you'll find all the technical data you need, and your notes, too.

Thanks !
What I know about "No Chill" method is that the wort is racked into a cube or other container, and most of the air content is removed. Then, the wort is left to cool and when it reaches pitching temperature, the wort is aerated and the yeast pitched. Please correct me if it is wrong.
Now, what should a software do to help you in this method ?
Maybe, the calculation of time needed to get right temperature ?
Would adjust for hop bitterness as wort stays hotter longer

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