Anyone Had The Bottom Fall Out Of A Coopers Longneck?

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I had a batch of one of my k&k bottle conditioning that I hadnt gotten around to drinking yet. Had been about 2 months in the bottle.

I stored my bottles in the back room of the house, where I have a fairly constant temp, under the table, out of the way.

I was outside in the yard, and heard a "water dripping sound". Given we have only had the house for 4 months, I thought the worst. Went inside, checked all the pipes, couldnt find anything, then I went back down to where the osund was coming from and smelt it. It was my beer...

Go up, look in my crate, and there was one bottle that looks like it had gently let go via the base, no boom, or anything like that, just a gentle separation, releasing the contents.

Has anyone had that happen before? Was I just unlucky, or should I be carefully inspecting every single one of my longnecks?

In case anyone is wondering, beer is a real pita to clean up when it has run through the floor... Lucky it was only one....

I kept the bottle, will take a pic later....
Sounds to me like the bottle was already damaged through impact somewhere during it's life. I've dropped full coopers tallies from over a meter onto a tile floor and sen them bounce! IMO they are some of the sturdiest bottles around.
could of been a dodge bottle like a air bubble or thinned out in a spot or anything. coopers bottles are among the best to bottle with so I doubt there is to many people have this problem.

Did you cap it with a hand capper??? as they are not good for bottles
Yeh the hand cappers give the bottles some stress, but I must say that is what I do and never had a problem. I have a bench capper too, but I just don't like it.

Some bottles do have air bubbles. I had it in a bottle of Crown Lager. I reported and was given a free case of Crown.

If the other bottles are not over carb'd I would put it down to the bottle.

The others are definitely no over carbed. I used a bench capper for these, so no probs there.

Guess it must just have been a bad bottle. Unlucky.

Lucky though that it was a dryish lager, not a malty ale....
This happened to me once. Only it was the middle of summer and all of the contents evaporated before I even discovered it. It could have been many weeks later I was going re-arranging my crates when I noticed that the floor underneath was really sticky. So I took out all of the bottles and yep, found one Coopers longneck with it's bottom missing. It came out in a perfect circle leaving no shards of glass and the crown seal was still done up tight. Very bizarre.
This happened to me once. Only it was the middle of summer and all of the contents evaporated before I even discovered it. It could have been many weeks later I was going re-arranging my crates when I noticed that the floor underneath was really sticky. So I took out all of the bottles and yep, found one Coopers longneck with it's bottom missing. It came out in a perfect circle leaving no shards of glass and the crown seal was still done up tight. Very bizarre.

When I over carbed a batch once, quite a few of the bottles just lost their bottom cleanly. It must be a natural weak point anyway
Had it ages ago with a Corona bottle on my very first batch. Looked like someone had just cut the bottom off.
Had a spate of this about 10 years ago, turned out it was a Stainless Steel bottle brush someone had invented, it had a spiral thread up the canter and as you moved it up and down it rotated.
Problem was when it hit the bottom of the bottle it just spun and the tips of the wires scored a groove around the bottom of the bottle. Arse would fall out of the bottle when it was stuck in hot water or sometimes under pressure. (Must have been a long time ago couldnt even find a picture with Google images)
Just a thought but it might be worth looking at your bottles and how they are cleaned.
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I got most of these bottles from Fellow brewers here so I will give them all a good looking at before I bottle the next batch in them.

Lucky it was only one bottle.... Could have been really nasty...
I find Steinlagers particularly bad, I've snapped the top clean off two bottles opening them.. one of them I didn't notice until I took a swig :icon_drunk:

Never had that problem with any other types
This reminds me of a party trick, I've only seen it done once

Fill up a bottle to the brim with water
Using one hand hold it tightly around the neck,
with the other hand using your palm hit it from the top as hard as you can
blows the bottom of it and leaves a clean edge on the bottom corner of the bottle

Basically the pressure wave is transmitted down the bottle and it hits the bottom and starts to go back up and cracks the bottom out.
