The actual loss for 2016 was $2.6m on revenue of $0.5m, the loss you refer to is the gross loss (i.e. sales less cost of goods sold). So they're valuing the company at around 200 times revenue. That's f***ing hilariousBlack n Tan said:Not for me. This would value the IP at $110M pre-money which is more than Mountain Goat sold for and this on the back of a financial loss in 2016 of $117k (revenue of $516k). Absolutely ridiculous. Great exit strategy for the current owner who can sell his shares in 2 years and in the meantime gets $360k per year to manage the company. He will be the only one that makes money.
Right you are, even more ridiculous.Blind Dog said:The books for the last 3 years are in the prospectus.
The actual loss for 2016 was $2.6m on revenue of $0.5m, the loss you refer to is the gross loss (i.e. sales less cost of goods sold). So they're valuing the company at around 200 times revenue. That's f***ing hilarious
wide eyed and legless said:A lot of negative comments, so I take it no one will be taking up the offer, the beer is endorsed by Big Jack,who made a fortune for Elders making Strawberry jam from an over supply of apricots.