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Beer me up, Scotty!
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Just checking the ANAWBS website and realised that if any interstate brewers want to get their entries sent to the comp for free, then they have to be at the designated drop off spot by next Friday 19th September! :eek:

That means if, like me, you won't be able to drive to the relevant brewshop during business hours on weekdays, then this Saturday is your last chance to drop off your entries. Better get cracking with filling out those forms and labels :huh:

Man it really crept up on me this year.....

Cheers - Snow.
Thanks for the heads up, Snow. I'd also forgotten about it until today. Always a good one to enter.
Last day for interstate brewers to get their beers in for ANAWBS is TODAY.
Better get cracking, take the rest of the day off work, there is important beer-related business to attend to.

I've decided not to submit any entries in ANAWBS this year, as their style/class list is way too limited for my brewing habits. I't just not worth my effort to send in only 3 entries that they cater for out of my 10 available beers.

- Snow
It appears that although the WA contingent delivered their entries to the state drop off point by the due date, ANAWBS have only just received them after the comp has been run.
Not sure what went wrong but will be asking questions at Westbrew tommorrow.
The organisers have said they will judge the WA entries anyway.
the original panel of judges sure dodged a few bullets with my entries they don't know how lucky they are!
Just got the call from Rob, who's trying to contact the WCB's who've entered and let them know what's going on.
Would be great if our entries can still get judged and at least score feedback on them.

Westbrew... <_<
Isnt the competition on 12 October?

I am glad I didnt take mine to westbrew, would have been great to have driven to mulletsville, just to have them not send it on.

They deserve a punch in the junk
That's a bugger. Didn't hear anything about the WA entries missing.

I was wondering why the quality of entries were so high this year! :p
So there's no chance of any of the WA beers being in the results? I know the judging was last weekend but they may not have collated the results.
I think it best left for Russell to comment on the beers not making it in time for judging but from what I hear the WA entries arrived yesterday.

Cheers TDA

Sorry for the delay in the announcement, but we wanted to make sure all of the entrants had been personally contacted before making it public. The President of ANAWBS contacted all involved last night bar one I believe.

Unfortunately we have had problems with a Depot drop off point this year. We only just received the WA entries yesterday, which obviously is too late to judge in the main ANAWBS event - judging occurred on the 3rd and the 5th and presentation of awards and medals is on the 12th. The committee will be doing every possible to ensure these entrants aren't majorly disadvantaged.

We will be conducting a special WA judging in the next week or so (date to be decided) and everyone will receive judging sheets, medals and there'll be a trophy or two awarded as well.

We are very sorry this occurred and we will do everything possible to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I'll be posting information on the judging day with photos over in the ANAWBS 2008 thread later this morning.

ANAWBS Beer Convenor
Cheers TDA

Sorry for the delay in the announcement, but we wanted to make sure all of the entrants had been personally contacted before making it public. The President of ANAWBS contacted all involved last night bar one I believe.

Unfortunately we have had problems with a Depot drop off point this year. We only just received the WA entries yesterday, which obviously is too late to judge in the main ANAWBS event - judging occurred on the 3rd and the 5th and presentation of awards and medals is on the 12th. The committee will be doing every possible to ensure these entrants aren't majorly disadvantaged.

We will be conducting a special WA judging in the next week or so (date to be decided) and everyone will receive judging sheets, medals and there'll be a trophy or two awarded as well.

We are very sorry this occurred and we will do everything possible to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I'll be posting information on the judging day with photos over in the ANAWBS 2008 thread later this morning.

ANAWBS Beer Convenor

So far I've not been contacted and haven't had a reply to any of my queries as to what was the fate of my entries. Could I be the "bar one"? Is there anybody out there ...
In the words of Hugh Dunn chief judge of the Perth Royal Beer show Presentation speech "We brewers are good with coming up with ideas were just not good at implementing them " or some thing close to that.This will not be the first or last stuff up if its left to we brewers. ;) Next year as they say.
pbrosnan - You're not alone.
Though as mentioned I have been contacted by Rob and as long as the message has got thru I'm happy, but you do wonder about other Perth brewers who perhaps don't know about the forum or WCB.
Just got a call from Russell. Gives me the impression that they do care about us :D
And it's fantastic that they've been able to recruit some judges to give us some feedback. I've only entered in the Mash Paddle (first competition entry too), but I know Asher had sent ~6 beers over and no doubt some of the other WCB'ers entered more than one beer.
I'll certainly enter the comp next year...but might send the beer myself ;)

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