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Didn't look like Pistol to me either . Not ugly enough. :lol:


No, definitely Pistol Patch, that retro Hibiscus shirt gives him away :p

Agree. Take members such as Pistol Patch, pops up now and again. I'm here to gain experience but along the way have some fun and hopefully help newbies who are where I was a scary 18 months ago. Beats lurking.

I guess I better resume posting then...
Expect more bad puns.
Ooh, and now questions about AG... (providing I don't find it in a search first. :) )
Agree. Take members such as Pistol Patch, pops up now and again. I'm here to gain experience but along the way have some fun and hopefully help newbies who are where I was a scary 18 months ago. Beats lurking.


So am I considered a Lurker and is that a bad thing?
Joined Feb 08 but only 306 posts (0.44 per day).
Been brewing for about 3 years, but only just getting into AG. Started AG November 09 & done 9 so far so most of my posts are questions.
I havent got alot of advise to offer as my experience is limited and I could set someone off in the wrong direction (as well as getting flamed). That said, I have been posting a bit lately (not all questions) as I am on holiday and bored.
I'll just keep on "Lurking" and gaining advise and tips from those I know I can trust. Its pretty easy after Lurking this long to know whos advise to trust.

Moved this to Off Topic forum as it adds no value to the "Forum Issues & Suggestions".

For the OP,
- colored headings generally try to draw attention to posts that are related to brewing topics/styles. It is based upon the sub-forum the post is in so as was stated before; retailers blue, Recipes Orange, ....

As you will no doubt notice some sub-forums are deliberately excluded from the recent posts (like "Off Topic") to try and keep the brew related threads visible since that is what we are all here for.

So am I considered a Lurker and is that a bad thing?
Joined Feb 08 but only 306 posts (0.44 per day).
Been brewing for about 3 years, but only just getting into AG. Started AG November 09 & done 9 so far so most of my posts are questions.
I havent got alot of advise to offer as my experience is limited and I could set someone off in the wrong direction (as well as getting flamed). That said, I have been posting a bit lately (not all questions) as I am on holiday and bored.
I'll just keep on "Lurking" and gaining advise and tips from those I know I can trust. Its pretty easy after Lurking this long to know whos advise to trust.


Been a member longer. Been a brewer longer. Have fewer posts. Meh. :blink:
Most of the posts folks rack up aren't really furthering the brewing experience for anyone. And woe betide anyone who asks a question that's been asked before... :ph34r:
Besides which, you can't please everyone on this forum. (That might be why the arguments are so entertaining!) :p

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