Ale style beers with lager yeast

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I swear I searched first. Went through 5 pages of results and couldn't find what I'm looking for.

It's getting cold and I'm not really prepared to go into the heat belt thing (I can't afford/don't have a power source in my fermentation space {I don't ferment in a fridge})

I have tasted some pretty good hoppy pilsners. I was wondering if you can use lager yeast with an ale malt & hop bill?
Anyone ever made an IPA with a lager yeast? Caramely pale ale? Stout?

I think the brew I just put on will be the last one I can do with Ale yeast. It's sitting at 16 degrees - right on the edge of ale yeast happieness.
Keg Guinness brewed here under licence is a lager. I'm not sure about the 6% bottled FES style Guinness, maybe it's a lager as well.

Nottingham will plod along nicely at 13 or 14 degrees.
1007 will ferment at 14 happily so it will probably chug along under that.
There's also a world of rich, warm malty lagers such as bocks and baltic porters.

Apart from that though, there is no reason it wouldn't work in a hop driven style. Beers that rely heavily on yeast character like belgians and some brit ales might be less successful.
There was a section in a BYO magazine that had heaps of IPA variations, and I think they had an IPL (L for lager), but I could have seen it elsewhere.

I actually did Dr Smurtos Golden Ale recently on a lager yeast cake because I had it.
It was ok. Wasn't as hoppy as I'd have liked though, but that was probably because I used cascade over Amarillo.
The major flaw was diacetyl, but that can be overcome (the lager I stole the yeast cake from didn't have this problem) I was just in a hurry and lazy.

as the others said, 1007 or Nottingham should be fine, but if you have a lager, I don't see why it'd be a major problem, just watch out for diacetyl.

[EDIT]: just thought, you probably don't have temp control, hence the post. maybe 1007 or Nott would be easier then.
I would recommend looking into Bocks or Alts (maybe even Kolsch, but they are less malty and more lighter lager).
You could always brew a california common or kolsch?
i recently brewed a English Brown Ale, side by side Ale yeast and Lager yeast. Why - well just because. Worked out well. Malty brown lager, not quite dark enough for a Dark Lager, but pretty good anyway. Easy drinker.
Dont think I would like an IPA done with lager yeast. The few lagers I have tried that have had late hops were less than impressive.
Notto gives great beer fermented in the dead of winter but you will need to up the hopping rate as it can strip a bit of hoppy goodness.

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