AHBs biggest tight arse

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It is clear that we brewers are a frugal bunch and like to find new and clever ways of doing things in order to save a dollar or two. We all love the cleverness and inspiration of the Ghetto gear threads.

So tell us your stories of the lengths you have gone to in the the quest for saving that extra little bit.

Are you AHBs biggest tight arse?

Am I............?

In order to save on postage I place my orders with G&G online and pick up in the store in my lunch break the next day

Sounds fine.....but I dont work near Yarraville I work in the Melbourne CBD.

This involves sneaking out early from work or taking a long lunch. Carefully synchronised useage of public transport to catch a train from the CBD to Footsrcay, jump on the 409 bus and then a short walk to G&G.

In order to get back to work in about 90 minutes (told you it was a long lunch) everything has to align perfectly. There is about 9 minutes between the bus that drops me off near G&G and the one that returns back - if I miss it I have to waith 25mins for the next one.

So this week I figured I might as well make the most of it an ordergrain for 2 batches. What was I thinking carrying 10kg of grain on public transport?

All this to save how much on delviery? less than $20 I am sure.
Yes. I'm still using 2 x 19L big w pots on the stove, bulk grain (some of it free because I know a dude at JW maltings).

Buy hops on special in bulk amounts and freeze. Yeast is the same.

The only thing I don't save on is yeast after fermenting. I'm pretty chronic for not harvesting dry yeast.
I'm not a tight arse at all, it's all about convenience. Unless I'm saving more money that what it would cost to pay me to take the time picking something up, then bugger it, my time is mine to waste! And good luck pulling that public transport stunt in Brisbane, it would take you 3 hours and cost $15.
I'm a sucker for needing one thing, finding it at the cheapest place, seeing the postage amount and figuring I should buy a few other bits(yeast etc) to spread the freight cost checking out and thinking 'shit I did it again, that pack of US05 I needed just cost me $50...' probably should have just got it for a higher price locally.
Same with hops and HDA, need one variety, go for the larger pack and then figure I better grab a few extra varieties to spread the postage cost......
Not sure if its a tight ass situation or just false economy\stupidity scenario.
The bloke that pinches Maccas sugar sachets as mentioned in a carbonation thread a couple of weeks ago- he will take some beating.

I would look it up but I pay my download by the kB.
After Liam's comment, I will say that (especially in Tassie) I don't brew to be frugal, so much as I cannot get hold of beers here (without an hour's drive) that I could on the Mainland that fit my taste, and if I do, sometimes I'm disappointed in those beers. I brew mainly because I like my beer better than mainstream beer.
I like the whole false economy of home brew.. Like I told SWMBO when I wanted to get AG gear: "Darl, I probably pay $5k a year for beer, and $1k a year on brewing. I reckon it'd be cheaper to spend some cash up front and buy stuff to make better beer."

So far I'd say I'm $15k in the hole, with two ferm fridges, a serving fridge, taps, fermenters, a dedicated brewing shed, small bar freezer for hops, etcetera, electricity to run everything, plus assorted brewing paraphernalia..

The beauty is that that false economy is contagious: SWMBO sometimes says, "Well it's a hobby, and an art form. And you're not down the pub pissing yer whole pay up against a wall." (I near fell off me chair when she said that.)

Anyways, I made my own mash paddle, sourced a 45L pot from a dump shop, and ghetto gear abounds my brew shed. So maybe I'm a culprit too.
I've met a bloke who brews (beer) with bread yeast. But he's not a member - yet. He should be easy to spot when he does join, and Boy! Is he gonna have some questions...

Edit grammar( retard)
This is not a brewer and apologies if this takes the thread off topic, but you guys have to hear about my work colleague.
He's a tight *******.

The best was just this Monday. He came in to work with a plastic bag all clinking.
Whats that mate?
"Doooooode, its my washing up man. Why would I use my dishwashing liquid at home when I can bring them in here and put them in the dishwasher for FREEEEE?"
I once recycled whirlpool hops from a czech pils to re-use as second-hand bittering hops in a stout for the next brew that afternoon.
A 99 cent bucket with holes cut in it used as a fermenter dryer, image.jpg.
GrumpyPaul said:
All this to save how much on delviery? less than $20 I am sure.
I think it's about 10 bucks for 20 kg from AU post to metro melbourne. Used to be less than 8.
dent said:
I once recycled whirlpool hops from a czech pils to re-use as second-hand bittering hops in a stout for the next brew that afternoon.
That's just a common sense practice for commercial breweries. Less common for home brewers to do it because we tend not to brew the same thing again and again and it would need some trial and error to get it right. Technically though I suspect flame out hops could be used in the same way as their original alpha acid compatriots when reused for bittering.
All my ten min and 5 min hops get saved (hop sock).
Around 10-12 brews so far all frozen waiting for a monster hop addition.
Yes the dark beers as well.
I will need my biab bag to use them when the time comes.

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