After 15 Years , Finally Broke My Hydrometer

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I had lotsa barrels on the old AHB..
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Melbourn's West
So many years ago , as a birthday present , Mum & Dad gave me a beginners brew set up...
When brewing the other day , I'd mashed in my second batch for the day , the wind picked right up and blew my hydrometer right off the table...
Initialy , it looked to have survived the fall...but alas , the stem...she's a broke...
Vale my old one and only for the last 15 years...has seen me through countless k&k , extract, fwk and now AG...there will never be another with such history and sentiment...
I miss you...
Off to G&G to get me a newer , sexier model !
Bah, get a refractometer, much quicker and more efficient.

When I got my refrac, I wandered around the house looking for things I could measure the vicosity of :)

You still need a hydro, so buy one of those as well, but I do love my refractometer.
Bah, get a refractometer, much quicker and more efficient.

When I got my refrac, I wandered around the house looking for things I could measure the vicosity of :)

You still need a hydro, so buy one of those as well, but I do love my refractometer.
I do have a refractometer , WB...Just you can't drink the sample from one :ph34r:
my years:hydrometers ratio is pretty much the exact opposite of yours :(
hydrometer,must a have look at sexier one next G&G.. :beerbang:
I came home with a new model..even made in Australia..but nothing like my last one ...she was one of a kind
But thanks to Dan at the G&G , who saw my pain and whose humor was welcome , I have a nice new one but not sexy...
15 years must be some sort of a record - i go through one of the damn things every 12 months.... And i use a refractometer for 90% of my measurements anyway, so I break a hydro about every tenth time i pick one up.

RIP to your old faithful - just dont have too much fun with the tarty new model before a decent time of mourning has elapsed... Thats just tacky.
So many years ago , as a birthday present , Mum & Dad gave me a beginners brew set up...
When brewing the other day , I'd mashed in my second batch for the day , the wind picked right up and blew my hydrometer right off the table...
Initialy , it looked to have survived the fall...but alas , the stem...she's a broke...
Vale my old one and only for the last 15 years...has seen me through countless k&k , extract, fwk and now AG...there will never be another with such history and sentiment...
I miss you...
Off to G&G to get me a newer , sexier model !

We'll have a mintues silence at the next Westgate meeting Gus :unsure:

Nothing wrong with upgrading to a younger model though, my dad does it all the time :ph34r:
my brews were costing me an extra $15 a brew just because I broke a hydro every brew.. had a bad run for about 5 times. looked at a refracto but had already spent that much on hydro's... got a few photo's, pretty big hydro grave yard at my place! they should make plastic ones...
my brews were costing me an extra $15 a brew just because I broke a hydro every brew.. had a bad run for about 5 times. looked at a refracto but had already spent that much on hydro's... got a few photo's, pretty big hydro grave yard at my place! they should make plastic ones...

link ... sorry mate had to do it.
my brews were costing me an extra $15 a brew just because I broke a hydro every brew.. had a bad run for about 5 times. looked at a refracto but had already spent that much on hydro's... got a few photo's, pretty big hydro grave yard at my place! they should make plastic ones...
In all honesty , i have always , always been that damn careful with it...putting it in its holder and then a jug, everytime i used it...and then the back of my brew toys cupboard....
I'm considering framing her...bless her and all who sailed with her....
I can uderstand why you'd want a plastic one , though, lol , you poor bloke !
I had one last about a year, my longest record, but recently it broke. The one I replaced it with was out by 3 points. Then I accidentally broke that too (put it back in its tube and as I did it pushed the bottom of the tube out and fell to the floor).

Hopefully the next one I get will be both accurate and last a while longer!
haha i usually try really hard to keep it in a safe place. but after the 5th beer, trying to get gravity while measusing hops.. i'm hopeless leave it on the bench or put it in it's holder, (then the bottom falls through.. lol) it's was a learning experience! lol
The annoying thing is I was gunna chuck it on the bench but remembered I'd just broken one so thought I'd do the safe thing and put it in its case. God damn it.
Mine is 12 years old, admittedly i didn't brew for about 10 years which kept it safe.

Having said that I did have my hydrometer tube blow off the table & get trodden on so my hydrometer isn't actually any good to me at the moment.