Aeration during "whirlpool"

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On a home brew scale that leads to perceptible off flavours? Yes.
Unless you are whisking your hot wort for an hour.....
I think you may need to re-examine your definition of evidence.

Is HSA a big, terrible risk if you so much as breathe near your wort?


Is there very well documented evidence that hot wort agitation will contribute to the development/acceleration of chemical pathways involved in staling?


In most circumstances, unless you are whisking as you suggest, or possibly pumping/whirlpooling hot and for 20 or so mins - it may not be. Certainly running that whirlpool cooler is as much insurance as using hose rather than splashing straight from the tap or pouring.

The mechanisms that lead to staling are not completely understood and HSA is only one tiny piece of a puzzle that may be of no concern (as suggested in my initial post). However if you have noticeable issues (as mtb has recently suggested he does) it MAY be a contributing factor.

Unicorns on the other hand......

Unlikely to be a problem in most circumstances is different to entirely imaginary.
Have a look at some of the recent discussion around low dissolved oxygen brewing to throw another spanner in the works. The deleterious effects of oxygen from mash right through to chilling may be more substantial than we think - we're just used to the current flavours and don't know the freshness we're missing.

I don't freak out about hsa by any means but I'd rather treat hot mash and hot wort with a modicum of care and whirlpooling at 60 to deliberately add oxygen strikes me as the opposite.

I actually own a unicorn by the way. That thing shits more than a duck.
HSA aside, if aerating at 60 doesn't actually introduce a useful amount of O2, you should be doing it at a cooler temp anyway...
^^ what he said, that has to be the most bizarre ad I have ever seen....
Jesus, wtf were you searching to come across that video.
To be fair i did watch the whole ad, the paper at the end did get a loud chuckle.
British humour is the best.

Handing out toilet paper to the kids when they're eating 'unicorn poo' is kinda wrong, but one helluva laugh.

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