Adding Some Grain To My Kit Bews

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Hi there all home brewers,

This is my first post, i am very new to this forum and also to home brewing beer. Im only a few batches into it so far.

I want to learn to brew stouts and am not experienced or knowledgeable enough yet to do AG so i thought i would start with adding some grain to my kit brew. I enjoy stouts and if i can master a simple recipie and make it cheaply then i will be a happy chappy.

I have already done a Coopers Irish Stout from the kit and added 1kg of Liquid malt extract. I am happy with the taste but know there is much improvement and customisation to come. It is a bit watery and very little head even though the carbonation seems OK.

So i have read many recipies and tried to devlop my own from these but given they are usually all AG it is difficult to get one down pat. As such i have stolen basic recipies from around and then altered to what i think will work. So I am asking if the below recipie looks like it wil be OK for a beginner.


- Coopers Irish Stout kit
- 300g ROlled Oats
- 200g Cracked roasted Barley
- 500g Dry Wheat Malt
- 500g DDME (Dry Dark Malt Extract)
- 15g Goldings Hops
- White Labs WLP004 Irish Ale Yeast

My Ideas:
The extra malt will increase the head potential particularly the wheat malt. The 500g Dry Extra Dark Malt will increase flavour.
The Roasted Barley will increase flavour and make a darker warmer stout.
I add Oats for better body and mouth feel.

Put all grains in a muslin grain add to 2 or 3 litres and heat till 70 degrees. Steep for 20 minutes then remove grain.
Add all the dry malt to the water, bring to the boil then simmer for 15 minutes. Add the hops for the last 2 minutes then strain into fermenter.
Add Stout kit and top up to 20 litres, add yeast and ferment as normal probably pitch yeast at about 25 degrees.

My Ideas:

- The extra malt will increase the head potential particularly the wheat malt. Have read this somewhere,
- The 500g Dry Extra Dark Malt will increase flavour.
- The Roasted Barley will increase flavour and make a darker warmer stout.
- The rolled Oats for better body and mouth feel.

Some Questions:

- I only want to add a single grain at a time to learn what the effect of them is rather than adding multiple grains in one go. So is this the best grain to start with or should I use some other type of grain?

- Since I am using so much malt is it going to be too much sugar for the yeast and result in a beer that is too sweet. Should I add some more hops to counter act this.

- Is this the right type of Hopps, I am just taking it from the base recipe i used but have seen Fuggles used often also.

Keep in mind that I am a beginner and really only want to gradually add malts and grain to my kits. This way I can learn the process and what changes make what difference to the beer.

Any advice would be very helpful.


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