A New Dry Yeast

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I've used this in two batches now, the first one I experienced much the same as everyone else - long lag times. Second batch I overpitched somewhat (two packs) into a 1.060 wort (was worried that one might be a bit under and I don't tend to rehydrate... slack I know). I also got the slotted spoon out on batch 2 at the 12 hour mark and gave it a good thrashing.

Second batch had significantly reduced lag time (The 24 hour mark had significant krausen) and within 60 hours it looks like it's on the home stretch. Already came out of the airlock this morning and is starting to calm down.

Perhaps a single packet isn't enough for this yeast? Although the first beer was still pretty reasonable.

The second batch is performing much more in line with the data in here


so I suspect optimal performance may actually require the 1g/l stated on the pack
Withstanding the lag time, I've found this yeast to be everything it's credited to be. Second use rinsed yeast has not displayed the lag either.. Unfortunately I won't be able to take this batch further as I've thrown that onto a 1090 wort, now down to 1020.

I for one, will be interested in getting this yeast into a routine, I think it has great potential
Just drinking my first batch with this yeast now. Not a great sample size but initial impressions seem to be less emphasis on the hops and more emphasis on the malt vs US-05. Also definately flocks better. Lag was almost 24 hours with a single pack on 15 litres of 1044 wort.
I've used it 1/2 a dozen times now, twice from the packet, and the rest re-pitched 1/2 a cup of slurry (I know, shoot me yeast police). Anyway I think its brilliant. With the re-pitches I've consistently got 1 week turn around from urn to keg and it drops clear very quickly.
Yeah I went 1 week grain to brain also, was a bit worried with the slow start but it's drinking brilliantly so no issues. Seems very clean also.
Can't really fault this yeas, clean and drops out quickly unlike US05.
Thanks Liam_S' . Wanted another look because it made me laugh. It would fit right in on that other thread too.

I find it interesting but I'm still part of the jam jar of trub brigade (Because SAFLager is so valuable. I forgot to buy yeast). Some day I'll straighten up and fly right.
i found with second use of this the krausen hung around until i upped temp for d rest. It had been in fermenter for over a week before d rest.
I'm using BRY-97 for the first time and I just wanted to confirm what many have already said on this thread.

I hydrated 1 pack for 23 litres of what is essentially a DSGA. I usually use US05 so keep in mind that I'm used to how that works. The BRY-97 in comparison was slow to start, but eventually threw a slightly larger krausen that has persisted for longer than US05. The job isn't done yet and I think I'm sitting on about day 10. I do have it at ambient temps in Melbourne with a little help from the heat band (manually controlled) . It hasn't dropped below 14 or been above 19. Aeration was the drop from the keg and that was all.

Temp control takes some of the validity of my findings away I guess but interesting nonetheless.
Update to above post. Kegged that brew and it is amazing. No dramas at all.

I am a little confused by the way this one works though. Yep , she's a slow starter but I currently have one that seems to have stalled. Same big arse starter split between two different brews and both have stalled.

I top cropped the awesome brew I mentioned before and it had some Vegemite-esque crud stuck to the side of the fermenter where the krausen was. That's what I cultured up and washed and made starters from.

As a budding member (bad pun sorry) of the "Yeast Police"* I guess I am making a very Maxwell Smart contribution (Austin powers for anyone born after 1985 or so) .

I suppose I have somehow isolated some variety of bry-97 that is even weirder than it's parent.

Actually , I have no idea. Fun working it out though.

Thought I would update as there is a new BRY-97 thread that might lead here.

* LiamSnorkel's very amusing nomenclature.
Nope. Main point of difference is how quickly it drops clear in the keg. Days instead of weeks.
Update on my experience with BRY-97 .

The above experiment was very Maxwell Smart as I predicted and the krud (sorry to confuse everyone with technical terms ) I harvested and cultured up for some starters resulted in me isolating a strain of BRY-97 that must be the worst flocculator ever.

I used it in an amber ale and it made OK beer - despite a flamboyant grain bill. Cloudy as a bastard - almost as cloudy as the weather. I put one in a Corona bottle for a closer look.

Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 7.02.26 PM.png

**** photo, sorry.

So, long story short - BRY-97 helped me make the best beer I have ever made and then the worst BIAB I have ever made. I'll not give it the title of the worst beer I ever made as there is a myriad of contenders for that title.

Was an interesting experiment. I'll not take that particular shortcut again.

FOr those that wonder why I am making starters of a dry yeast, it's purely for the convenience of having a few jars of viable yeast ready to rock in the fridge as I am prone to forgetting yeast. That and I am a total N00B and I'm enjoying making mistakes.
Been about two weeks, or more actually!

For the first one and a half weeksish, this was in a turned off chestie, outside int he Canberra cold. However, it krausened and went through the airlock.

Since then, the chestie has been converted into a kegerator and the carboy is now in my room, enjoying nightly 18s and 13s by day. That's a pretty much 12/12 split considering the days I've been working.

Anyway, it's still fizzing away :( bastard wont stop.
The brew was a massively hoppy beer that is still milky as hell. I've been hoping this finishes but it is still going, the airlock bloops n all!
431neb said:
Update to above post. Kegged that brew and it is amazing. No dramas at all.

I am a little confused by the way this one works though. Yep , she's a slow starter but I currently have one that seems to have stalled. Same big arse starter split between two different brews and both have stalled.

I top cropped the awesome brew I mentioned before and it had some Vegemite-esque crud stuck to the side of the fermenter where the krausen was. That's what I cultured up and washed and made starters from.

As a budding member (bad pun sorry) of the "Yeast Police"* I guess I am making a very Maxwell Smart contribution (Austin powers for anyone born after 1985 or so) .

I suppose I have somehow isolated some variety of bry-97 that is even weirder than it's parent.

Actually , I have no idea. Fun working it out though.

Thought I would update as there is a new BRY-97 thread that might lead here.

* LiamSnorkel's very amusing nomenclature.
Did you culture the crud stuck to the side of the fermentor? I was under the impression that this was just a bunch of protein and other nastiness that is coming out of solution during the ferment.

Top cropping involves scooping some of the yellowy/brown foam (kraeusen) off the top of the vigorously fermenting beer.
franks said:
Did you culture the crud stuck to the side of the fermentor? I was under the impression that this was just a bunch of protein and other nastiness that is coming out of solution during the ferment.

Top cropping involves scooping some of the yellowy/brown foam (kraeusen) off the top of the vigorously fermenting beer.
Yes I did franks. I dunno what that **** it is but I know that the beer it made tastes awesome but doesn't flocculate. One of the mistakes I won't have to repeat to remember.

Ever do something even though you knew it was all wrong? That was me.
It's taking absolutely bloody long but refuses to quit.

This is, I dunno, week 3?! The bubbles haven't stopped and it's steady but **** me, I'm thirsty!
Haha. It's a steamroller above 18deg.
I don't suppose you have a way of warming it up to finish it off? Hot water bottle under a sleeping bag?

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