A New Dry Yeast

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I had good success with Nottingham cool (15oC or so) and it finishes out no problems, drops like a stone and clean as US-05.

What were your experiences with it?

I've never used it. I have no experience with UK beers and I s'pose the name has always stopped me from buying it.
I found Notto was excellent when I was doing partials as it really attenuates well, so the partials didn't have that syrupy LDME sweetness you can get. However I've not had any luck with it since I went full mash, for the same reasons outlined by LRG.
A couple of years ago BABBs did a brew day at Mount Tamborine brewery, each participant took home a cube of wort (sort of TTL style) and fermented it with a different yeast and presented it at a club night. IIRC the picks were 1469 and Ringwood, but I still remember the Nottingham one.
Oh dear, I just put down a low-gravity APA with Notto; am I in for a rude shock? It'll be my first time using it. Anyway, just to bring it full circle, I really hope that either a) Danstar release this in homebrew size packages or b ) Someone (HINT HINT) starts re-packaging the big blocks. Because I want to try it.
Oh dear, I just put down a low-gravity APA with Notto; am I in for a rude shock? It'll be my first time using it. Anyway, just to bring it full circle, I really hope that either a) Danstar release this in homebrew size packages or B) Someone (HINT HINT) starts re-packaging the big blocks. Because I want to try it.

You'll be fine, but I daresay your APA will be drier than you expect, and less hoppy than you expect. More like a dry British PA.

I've got the full fermentis spec sheet, and am noticing that k-97 is on it, yet I've not seen it on sale here.


You'll be fine, but I daresay your APA will be drier than you expect, and less hoppy than you expect. More like a dry British PA.

I've got the full fermentis spec sheet, and am noticing that k-97 is on it, yet I've not seen it on sale here.



K-97 is a "wheat" yeast, not really a true wheat, more like an out-there Kolsch yeast. Pretty good for a belgian wit though.

it is a different beast to bry-97
K-97 is a "wheat" yeast, not really a true wheat, more like an out-there Kolsch yeast. Pretty good for a belgian wit though.

it is a different beast to bry-97

I've been looking for a good wit yeast - I reckon WB06 would be too much (though not enough banana in my Roggenweiss).

I've been looking for a good wit yeast - I reckon WB06 would be too much (though not enough banana in my Roggenweiss).


Belgians and German Wheats need liquid yeasts - it's just a fact of life. Anything else is "almost" as good, or complete crap.

Unless you are a complete legend brewer (for real, or in your own head) - then disregard this.
Belgians and German Wheats need liquid yeasts - it's just a fact of life. Anything else is "almost" as good, or complete crap.

Unless you are a complete legend brewer (for real, or in your own head) - then disregard this.

Unlike some recent post's of yours, i completely agree with you here :p

Sucks I have to buy a twin pack, when I don't need to.

May as well buy a wet yeast for the price, or just alter my brewing habits to not use it.

'specially considering I'm chugging away on a 7% AIPA using US05, and it's a damn good beer.

I suppose this goes back to Nick's comments - why not use a wet yeast, especially if it's the better product.

Belgians and German Wheats need liquid yeasts - it's just a fact of life. Anything else is "almost" as good, or complete crap.

Unless you are a complete legend brewer (for real, or in your own head) - then disregard this.

True, 3944 is hard to beat for a Wit and you can always repitch some slurry or split a pack if price is an issue, only takes 1 repitch to halve the cost per batch.
OT but,
Always split wyeast packs, 1/4 into starter then 3 vials into fridge.
Had a ten month old 3944 so did two smaller steps before getting to my 2 l starter. Overnight exploded out of flask, foil off yeast everywhere **** what a mess.beware the exploding 3944.
K97 is an German Alt yeast. Nothing to do with wheat at all.

By mistake wheat labels were apparently put on them years ago.

Produces crystal clear ales. Top cropping, takes a while to clear but once cold conditioned yeast drops out best I have seen.

I am told most close to WYEAST 1007. The description for this yeast applies to K-97.

I just bottled a batch with it a week ago. I have used it a few times now, requires incredible patience.

Took well over 2 weeks to go from 1054 to 1014 at 15 degrees, another week to clear.

K-97 is a "wheat" yeast, not really a true wheat, more like an out-there Kolsch yeast. Pretty good for a belgian wit though.

it is a different beast to bry-97
K97 is an German Alt yeast. Nothing to do with wheat at all.

By mistake wheat labels were apparently put on them years ago.

Produces crystal clear ales. Top cropping, takes a while to clear but once cold conditioned yeast drops out best I have seen.

I am told most close to WYEAST 1007. The description for this yeast applies to K-97.

I just bottled a batch with it a week ago. I have used it a few times now, requires incredible patience.

Took well over 2 weeks to go from 1054 to 1014 at 15 degrees, another week to clear.

Spot on.... Also our yeast of choice in the brewery for making a Wit

cheers Ross
K97 is an German Alt yeast. Nothing to do with wheat at all.

By mistake wheat labels were apparently put on them years ago.

Produces crystal clear ales. Top cropping, takes a while to clear but once cold conditioned yeast drops out best I have seen.

I am told most close to WYEAST 1007. The description for this yeast applies to K-97.

I just bottled a batch with it a week ago. I have used it a few times now, requires incredible patience.

Took well over 2 weeks to go from 1054 to 1014 at 15 degrees, another week to clear.

Thanks for that, I wasn't aware that K-97 was like 1007. I used the latter in a Dusseldorf Alt attempt late last year. It turned out sulphury and dirty tasting, I took the keg out and just stored it in the lagering fridge till Feburary and when I poured some (after about 2 months sitting in the keg at 3) it was nectar of the Gods, took a goonie to a club meeting and it got good reviews as well.
I'll definitely do this brew again and try K-97 to see how that turns out.
The mystery yeast (well its not really that mysterious) is available soon in a HBS near you.
Given that my Group Membership is not "Retailers" I am unable to point you to one retailer in Canberra with whom I have a close relationship and have had for nearly four years.

I had good success with Nottingham cool (15oC or so) and it finishes out no problems, drops like a stone and clean as US-05.

What were your experiences with it?

Same same.

I even brew down to 14c and have a great result. You can't beat this yeast for an Alt, unbelievable I know, just try it at these temperatures.
Same same.

I even brew down to 14c and have a great result. You can't beat this yeast for an Alt, unbelievable I know, just try it at these temperatures.
Ok what else is it good for ??
Have I been sitting here looking at the yeast and not knowing its potential ??

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