A Crazy Idea For Trub/hop Separation In The Kettle

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I had an idea of doing something similar by clamping SS braid onto my dip tube.
Alas, then I read that if my aluminium pot came into contact with SS, really nasty things would happen.

Stainless plus Ali shouldn't be an issue but if you use pellets my (and a lot of other) experience is that you are good odds to bind the braid and get nothing through it. Having said that now I use a hop sock it may be worth me trying the braid option again to get rid of the break material.

Edit: link added
Sounds mighty similar to Pumpy's gravel in the mashtun TB. :eek:

Warren -

Gravel in the mashtun?? Now that would work, or even those nice round river pebbles. I'm off to have a search around for those threads.

As for my sand idea - I don't want any trub at all in my fermentor so I'm certainly not going to just ignore it, I predominantly use pellets so anything designed for flowers is no good to me, I've tried screening with hosebraid and it just clogs up. Thats why I'm searching for alternate solutions

I haven't tried a straight false bottom, just assumed that if it was fine enough to stop the break and pellets, it would also just clog up... but a few of those pics suggest maybe I'm wrong.

What I am setting up to try on my next brew... is a straight up post kettle, pre-chiller filter. Take the filter housing I use for filtering my water, pop into it a nice 20micron pleated poly filter, run wort out of kettle through filter housing on its way to the chiller (maybe via a pump??). As a bonus, it can serve double duty as a hop-back and I will get better aroma in my beers. I know the filters are fine up to 120C and I will do a bit of boiling water testing to make sure that the housing doesn't melt/leach nasty flavours or smells.

Still... i think I.m gonna try the sand thing one of these time, I reckon it might be a nice easy solution that doesn't need to be pulled out and cleaned under (damn I'm lazy as well as fussy :rolleyes: )

Alas at the time the brewing fraternity was not ready to look at the process from outside the square , I would often sit at home in the corner and ponder ,and sigh what might have been :(

I went to the Captain Keyboard, aka Tony (sorry mate :p ) school of building kettles. The false bottom works a treat and as long as I add flowers, or plugs along with pellets, the pellety slime and the trub tends to sit on top of the flowers or plugs and I get a beautiful clear wort.

schooey, how did you get your kettle so shiny? :lol:
Alas at the time the brewing fraternity was not ready to look at the process from outside the square , I would often sit at home in the corner and ponder ,and sigh what might have been :(


Haven't searched the threads yet ..... did you try it?? squares are for squares. I f you did I wanna know, If you didn't ..... we need to give it a go, just for the hell of it.

I'm dead certain it would work.
So far i have only used pellets and plugs (but i have a few packets of flowers waiting impatiently). Hot break and hop trub stay in the kettle. Clear wort goes straight into a plate chiller (one of the reasons i bought this) Havent taken any pics of the trub, not sure why i would except for THAT thread..... :p

I have the same screen and make sure I use at least one plug in each batch. I'm beginning to really like whole hops, they look so nice rolling around in the boil.

On a good day, I leave less than a litre of wort behind. On a bad, almost two. I'm pretty happy with that.
It is indeed

did you bend that yourself, or did it come pre bent?
I saw in another thread that someone use a tea leaf ball thingy on their tube, anyone know how that went? Anyone remember the thread?
did you bend that yourself, or did it come pre bent?
I saw in another thread that someone use a tea leaf ball thingy on their tube, anyone know how that went? Anyone remember the thread?

Wayne bent it into shape to fit my kettle.
I love reading about just how MacGyver like brewers are. It never ceases to amaze me the ingenuity you lot are capable of.

Me on the other hand cant tell one end of a hammer form the other so i just save my pennies and bought one of these......

I can tip the kettle and get every last drop out. Plus, its part of the addiction ppl seem to have as brewers, shiny things.


The website says this has 2mm perforations. Surely that's too big to stop the trub if youre only using hop pellets...

And you get a free pen !!! Awesome. :icon_chickcheers:

Warren -
I think they mentioned steak knives somewhere too !
Yeah.... thats the jigger I really want. Anybody importing them??

Some sub-micron stainless steel bolting cloth and some time would see a facsimile device. Problem is getting suppliers of same to sell it to you...
I built something similar to the hopstoppa a while back.

Not overly impressed with the results using pellets though. I used a pair of 10 inch stainless steel splatter screens I picked up from the local supermarket for $4 each. Took the framing off and rolled the edges together. Did not work well when trying to recirculate for a whirlpool at the end of the boil. The pressure from the pump packed the hops hard against the screen stopping the pump altogether.

If you don't use a pump then I suppose its a reasonable bit of gear. I switched to a hopsock and haven't looked back.

...pot didn't have a tap. I fashioned a piece of copper tubing into the shape of a question mark: ? The curved part fit around the inside bottom edge of my pot, and the straight portion of the question mark was bent straight up the side of the pot. The bottom of the curved part had many small holes drilled in it. I'd siphon the wort out through that tube.

awesome solution to my problem there.. now i have some thing to do with my crappy first attempt at wort chiller! cheers.

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