Guys, be aware you will probably find there will be some fairly significant fees on these. There will be port charges, AQIS fees, Unpack costs etc etc.
GST limit includes freight so likely you will be paying GST, possibly also Duty but can't be bothered looking it up at the moment, a broker is likely to charge over $200 for the Customs work. When I used to do this sort of stuff for a one off customer it was cheap if it came to less than $400.
Guys, be aware you will probably find there will be some fairly significant fees on these. There will be port charges, AQIS fees, Unpack costs etc etc.
GST limit includes freight so likely you will be paying GST, possibly also Duty but can't be bothered looking it up at the moment, a broker is likely to charge over $200 for the Customs work. When I used to do this sort of stuff for a one off customer it was cheap if it came to less than $400.
Calculating Duty and Taxes
Duty, GST and other taxes are calculated and payable when you make an import declaration for goods that have a value above A$1000 or if you import alcohol and/or tobacco products. When your import declaration is processed, Customs and Border Protection will provide you with a payment advice. The payment advice will show all amounts payable to Customs and Border Protection relating to your imported goods.
If you use the services of a licensed customs broker for your imported goods, all Customs and Border Protection liabilities incurred are electronically forwarded to your broker.
When goods that you import are valued at more than A$1000, or include tobacco, tobacco products and/or alcohol of any value, a Customs value is used as the basis for calculating the amount of any duty and/or GST and other taxes payable.
Duty is determined on the Customs value of the goods. The Customs value of the goods is usually the amount you paid for your goods, converted to Australian currency. The exchange rate that is used is the rate applied on the day the goods were posted or exported.
GST is paid on the Value of the Taxable Importation (VoTI).
The VoTI is the sum of:
the Customs value (Cval)
transport and insurance cost (or postage and insurance) (T&I)
any duty payable, plus
WET (if applicable).
The information below on calculating duty and taxes is provided as a guide only.
Each Item ( a single unit) coming into a different port is going to attract a hole set of fees by itself !
Be prepared to be reamed. :lol:
You need to know what you are doing before you do these things.
They are coming into one port so your post leaves me a little confused, all those involved are up to date with what is going on and are happy (as far as I know) with the process and fees involved.
Have these arrived yet? what was the total cost per unit?
I too would like to know the total cost for pots and size delivered