700 Pounds For A Bottle Of Beer

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Holy mackerel...thats one large bottle of beer! Be interesting to see how it served up after a decade in the bottle.

I reckon the seller is spot on the money wanting it to go to 'conniseurs, not flash city boys' :D

Thanks for sharing, WSC - boingk
I liked the other story on the page about Fosters glasses in the UK to be stamped with a warning of how many units they contain, and the reader's comment "I doubt if Fosters drinkers can count, let alone read". Hahaha. They've got it in one :lol:
Thanks for a good belly laugh BribieG. Loved it! Well spotted. :lol:
"The 12 litre bottle has an alcoholic volume of 8 per cent, meaning a humble pint would set you back 32."

whats the alc % got to do with how many pints are in it?!