4 tap font Bulk Buy.

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Hello, my name is Ben and I am a frustrated font builder....

The purpose of this post is to evaluate the potential interest among AHB members in the possibility of a bulk-buy of an imported font. The font is a 4 tap, flooded, goalpost style "pipeline" font, sometimes referred to as a brauhaus font.

Briefly - as this conclusion has taken some time - my story is thus. I was but a small lad, Ooops wrong story. Sorry.
The font, yep.... I set about googling how much it would cost to buy a 4 tap flooded pipeline font in a goalpost formation and pretty soon discovered that it is quite possibly the most expensive font in the free world.

I decided to make one. How hard can it be? Too hard (too expensive).

The pipe fittings and flanges to make this happen would cost me about $300 bucks. That's without welding, smaller fittings and connectors, polishing and taps let alone the extra stuff for flooding. I was extremely disappointed. Many of you will already know of my despondence as I feel like I have emailed and PM'ed everyone in Australia (and abroad) who knows anything about building fonts. Apologies to anyone notable that I have forgotten.

After countless hours I was ready to give up. Well, not countless but , like, 3 or 4 hours maybe.. You know.... I'm solving the big issues here...FFS back off.

Yeah, shut up and I will continue - I stumbled upon a very helpful lady (in a far off land) who works for a company that makes fonts. She initially returned to me with an outrageous price of around 1k . I say outrageous but similar ones in the US are selling for 2.5 k so "outrageous" is relative to my budget. I won't bore you with any more bitching about how much research it took to get this far. I wouldn't have believed it either.

This is the basic style of the font except that the lighted displays for the name of the beer would not be included.

Long story short, I think I could get one of these landed in Melbourne for around $650 depending on how many orders I could secure. I know it's a lot of money and I have never seen one of these fonts except the pictures I will post here but I think it is fantastic value.

Here are some more pics. I'm not sure if the quoted size on the tap shank is accurate. What do you guys think from the pics? I'm told 22.3mm.

If I could secure ten orders I would consider doing the admin to make this happen. The more orders I get the less the postage will be ( fingers crossed).

So for the moment; expressions of interest?

Appreciate comments from all. Don't be shy. If I am making a big mistake please be forthcoming and tell me all about it.

Whatever..put your hand up if you would like to own one of these fuckers buggers.

PS I would like to say a special thanks to some good blokes from Keg-king, Lancer and Bracton who were very helpful with their advice despite the fact that I am a piss-ant home-brew tight-arse with champagne taste.
G'day bed. Love the thread, love the passion the blood sweat and tears. I'd be keen depending on the final price. Im in Sydney, and can tell you from my experence the bulk buy game is a painful one. But I would do it again to know that I am getting the product I want for the right price.

I'll keep my ear out for these fonts as well. I have a mate who is a publican and I'll see if he has a supplier that already gets them on the cheap and let you know.

Just to clarify the price you quoted included everything. The font all fittings and taps. What country are they coming from also.

Good on you AB and thanks for the mill!! I'm sure I will regret this but postage is massive for one unit so the more I get the better for me. Yes I am selfish like most everyone on the planet.

Yep , I meant to add that the taps are included and they are the flow control flavour. Don't ask me if they are forward sealing...I doubt it. I think from my research that having the taps included is a big bonus even if they are shit. I just don't know on this one. I should've mentioned that I offer no guarantees (expressed or implied blah blah) for this product. I am putting my faith in the hand of a lovely lady from China (to answer your question AB).

So without all the wank...From China, with taps and postage for around 650. That may reduce with numbers. Finger crossed, and remember peeps I just want expressions of interest. Your'e not writing a cheque yet...
So that we're clear and have no issues, this group buy has been approved.
TYVM Austin. Apologies for minor changes. I've had a few jars....
Sounds like a great deal mate but as you are aware I have already blown megabucks on the bm this year so I'm tapped out. Can't wait to see the neons reflecting off that baby if you can make it happen though.
I take it from the deafening silence that no one is interested in one of these buggers?

Pity. I thought I hammered out a pretty good deal.

Interested in any feedback. Good or bad. Cheers.
I like the look of these fonts. A few guys here have this style. I am not in need of a new setup now but just wanted to thank you for the post. I love a good voices in my head post. Makes it easier to tackle an overly bitter ipa (that i am trying to defeat)that little bit easier. The balance between pucker and smiles is much needed. Good luck with the bulk buy. The retailers here are very good for advice with stuff from china. I looked into some stuff from china not long ago and there are things like quality of build and import tax and fees to clear customs that can bump up that price bit. Have you looked into that side of it?
djar007 said:
I like the look of these fonts. A few guys here have this style. I am not in need of a new setup now but just wanted to thank you for the post. I love a good voices in my head post. Makes it easier to tackle an overly bitter ipa (that i am trying to defeat)that little bit easier. The balance between pucker and smiles is much needed. Good luck with the bulk buy. The retailers here are very good for advice with stuff from china. I looked into some stuff from china not long ago and there are things like quality of build and import tax and fees to clear customs that can bump up that price bit. Have you looked into that side of it?

I'd love to know what people paid for these. If I could find one, at or around this price in Australia I would buy it and put this behind me. I have spoken to some AHB retailers but not all. They have been very courteous and helpful considering in some cases I am cutting their grass. My impact would be miniscule but in principal......

I've looked at everyone's offerings (and then some) online and unfortunately failed to find anything close. As for the build quality, I can only go on the word of my contact and the pics. Apparently they supply some high profile breweries with fonts (grain of salt). Import taxes and duties is something I have had a cursory look at - enough to know that I won't get my fingers burnt financially or in trouble legally.

I know I must sound like a lunatic but I've spent a fair bit of time and effort (if not much on mats) on this bar build and I want a nice font to finish it off.

At this rate I'll just gold plate my plutos and get pissed.

Thanks for your interest djar007. Stay tuned.
One thing you can do is go to the fitters that work on the bars in the pubs and clubs. Usually these are commercial fridge mechanic or aircon shops.
They have stacks of stuff usually they have pulled out in refits. Look around or tell them waht you want and ask them to keep an eye out and you may find you do very well for yourself for a casjie or a few cartons.

That's how i got my font and snaplocks etc.
Good advice punkin. I'm told that here in Melbourne there's probably only two or three subbies who do the fitting. I haven't contacted them.

It looks like I'll be getting just one lonely font. That's if they will ship one only.
Give me a pm, i can help with the shipping, i have an order coming in the next couple of weeks.
punkin said:
Give me a pm, i can help with the shipping, i have an order coming in the next couple of weeks.

Will do. Cheers.
For those that have followed this BB (If anyone!!) , I'm gonna "pause" for a bit. Negotiations with the supplier are becoming complicated. I will update as soon as I have clarity on a way forward.

Having the entire family struck down with gastro doesn't help. I need a bog-roll BB....
I looked at building one several years ago. Got all the parts except the pipe and pipe flanges.
About $1k in parts. I figured it would cost me close to $2k by the time I got it all fabricated.
Parts are sitting in a box waiting for me to get some motivation...
Quick update.

Lost faith in my original supplier. Some doubts started to creep in about the quality of their offerings.

Have been unable to locate or commission exactly what I want (sans the 2.5k price) so I'm going to have to compromise on what I want.
I may have found another manufacturer with a variety of 4 tap fonts that I have not seen for sale in Australia and I'm in the process of negotiating a price and /or getting a sample.

I would love to have a sample and be able to post a lot of pics and answer all the tough questions that are so difficult across cultures and cyberspace.
Edit - Holy cow. I just called China. Took half an hour to get an email address to him. That was funny. I'm glad I don't do that often. I need a translator!
Komodo said:
I looked at building one several years ago. Got all the parts except the pipe and pipe flanges.
About $1k in parts. I figured it would cost me close to $2k by the time I got it all fabricated.
Parts are sitting in a box waiting for me to get some motivation...
Komodo, get cracking man! Don't waste the parts, jeez.

Where are you? There's a place in Braeside here in SE Melb that sells nothing but flanges. Their tables of specs confuse the crap outta me but they have a lot of flanges. From what I can see the flanges have to be welded to the bends so I hope you can do the welding yourself to save some cash.
Hi Mate,
Had the wrong email in my profile so I didn't receive your PM till now. When I was looking at this, Ross advised the quality is garbage, and not to go ahead. I believe he no longer sells the products for the same reason. I have a cheap Chinese tap like you can get in brew shops, and mate it is nothing on the Perlicks I have. At the end of the day I would look at getting your font custom made. Yes it will be a bit exy, however in the long run it will probably pay off. You will want to get your own taps anyway, so it might work out cheaper or on par with a bulk buy.

Good luck with it!

Hit up Faircloth & Reynolds in Coffs Harbour and see if they have anything laying around that might suit the purpose