3rd Party Request for Hop Rhizomes in Bulk (?)

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Yob said:
So what you are saying, if I get this right... Is that a plant bred from the seed of a cluster male and another variety (given your example above) will be genetically identical to the cluster varietal?
Sorry seed from a cluster male? Male plants do not have seeds.....
Female flowers are pollinated from male flowers.....geeeeeezus....just STOP trying to pretend you know stuff about something you know NOTHING about Yob....seriously....you have NFI about plants....so just stop!!!
Its not even hort 101...is like primary school 101.....Pollination is the first step in the process of sexual reproduction in plants. In pollination, a male pollen grain is transferred to the female part of a flower, germinates and fertilizes the ovule. All of these steps must occur for a seed to develop. Without pollination, the production of many of the seeds and fruits that we eat would not be possible.
Don't be so litteral, the seed from a crossed male and x other plant.. Answer the question not throw off with semantics..

I certainly hope you are drunk.. You're lucky I'm so amused by watching you self destruct.
Yob said:
So what you are saying, if I get this right... Is that a plant bred from the seed of a cluster male and another variety (given your example above) will be genetically identical to the cluster varietal?
The whole point of cross breeding is to pool the genetics of two plants that is beneficial to a crop....not come up with a clone.....seriously.....STOP........
Yob said:
Don't be so litteral, the seed from a crossed male and x other plant.. Answer the question not throw off with semantics..

I certainly hope you are drunk.. You're lucky I'm so amused by watching you self destruct.
The seed from a cross bred male??? MALE DONT PRODUCE SEEDS....THEY FERTILISE FEMALE FLOWERS....you know like your dick does....ffs....keep up....all im hearing is I know plants watch this.....weeeeeeeee off a cliff.....splat.....
Wow does Yob run a brothel full of home brewers of something....seems he has a few *******???
Males fertilise the female....plants humans....same farking thing....I hope its not to much for you guys to figure out....male cluster...female cluster.....what happens...as clone...no a genetic clone..yes....things can change with slightly different soil ph...but I wont go into PH seems we cant grasp how the whole male female cycle of the planet works.....
Really, stop being a tosser. Answer the question.

Do you really not get what I'm driving at?

I'll lay it out clearer... As per your earlier example.

A male cluster + a female aroma variety (as per your example) .. Will the seed from that produce genetically identical cluster?
as amusing as this is play nice children and stop the personal attacks.
For a self designated expert, you either display an incredibly poor understanding or an incredibly sloppy use of generally accepted scientific terminology.

So its an impossibility that there was a Tetraploid (Tetraploids are grasses that have been modified to have twice the natural number of chromosomes (“diploids”).
Tetraploid is merely a descriptive term that covers both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It is not restricted to grasses, but covers mico-organisms (eg. bacteria and fungi) and the animal kingdom, as well as plants (including cotton, grains etc). Strictly speaking, tetraploidy can describe any cell though it is usually resrved for those that are normally diploid.

...humans worked this stuff out by watching plants not the other way around. Plants do these things naturally
I trust you're not suggesting plants could have seen polyploidy in humans. Yet humans equally "worked this stuff out" by watching salmon, developing human foetuses and embryos etc. And some of these changes do occur naturally; yet many others can be deliberately induced through environment change (like temperature or addition of colchinine etc)

I suggest before you further demonstrate your level of expertise, you at least gain a minimum understanding of simple terminology and its meaning.
You're a horticulturist? Mate, by the structure of your posts I find it hard to believe you went high school let alone some form of higher education.
So far, all you've quoted can be gleaned from the search engines and websites you keep mentioning. The spacing between your posts and their content suggests you're doing exactly that.
You're talking **** pure and simple. You want to start a hop farm on a 1/4 acre? My ******* backyard is a 1/4 acre! I've grow hops in them for a few years now, much like Yob, and while I don't profess to be an expert on them I reckon I've got more of a clue to growing them than you.
As amusing as this thread is, be sure to close the door on your way out.
Lets put this quest for evidence that a dwarf cluster exists. I have been researching this all night and I have found some undeniable evidence of a dwarf cluster.

Sorry Yob old mate as much as I'd like to support you - I have found evidence of a dwarf cluster.

Scroll down - it will be worth it.

Here it is ............

a "Dwarf Cluster".

For Yob's benefit, I'm not suggesting it has been bred to be a dwarf. It may have been bred but I don't know if that is the case.

There are 2 ways to get a tetraploid from a diploid. The first way is to treat some seeds with colchicine and after germination select plants with desirable traits. You've probably read about the process being used to increase the strength of cannabis. The second method is to take a piece of plant tissue and treat it with colchicine, grow it on and cut out any part of the growing plant that shows mutation, grow on that part and see it has desirable qualities.

If you had read the link I provided on tetraploids you would have noted that the tetraploids in that article had certain characteristics including shortened internode length.

Dwarf Cluster may not have been deliberately 'bred' to be a dwarf but it may have been deliberately created to be a tetraploid.