3 Ag's This Weekend

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Hey fellas,

Myself and my brewing comrades are planning on doing some serious brewing this weekend in preparation for summer, stocks are getting dangerously low!!

First off we are going to have a crack at axl's bloody nise JS pils clone:

For 25L:

5 kg Weyermann Pilsner
0.5 kg JWM Light Munich
0.3 kg Weyermann Melanoidin

What are everybodys thoughts on doing a protein rest at 52 deg for say 20-30 mins before mashing at say 65 deg for an hour? Not looking to start a flame war re: to rest or not to rest. Just your opinion and reasons for thinking so would be great. Basically I'm trying to clear my AG beers up a little more as a few have been coming out a little murky lately (nothing serious mind) but seeing as this is a pils I want to try and clear it up as much as poss. Drinking an American Ale at the moment that has turned out almost a ringer for the Amarillo FWK. Nice :)

Next one is Tony's LC Bright Ale Clone

7 kg JWM Export Pilsner
2 kg Weyermann Vienna
0.6 kg Weyermann Carapils(Carafoam)
0.6 kg JWM Wheat Malt

Again seeing as this is a "bright" beer, would it be a good idea to give this one a rest as well?

Just generally fishing for pointers, has anyone any experience with these two recipes? Cheers!!
Next one is Tony's LC Bright Ale Clone

7 kg JWM Export Pilsner
2 kg Weyermann Vienna
0.6 kg Weyermann Carapils(Carafoam)
0.6 kg JWM Wheat Malt

Again seeing as this is a "bright" beer, would it be a good idea to give this one a rest as well?

Just generally fishing for pointers, has anyone any experience with these two recipes? Cheers!!
FWIW, this is a house favourite, i up the b-sazz and do a FWH cuase i love it so much :D
FWIW, this is a house favourite, i up the b-sazz and do a FWH cuase i love it so much :D

couldnt get any B-saaz so im compensating with extra normal saaz to the same value regarding AA%. hope it turns out ok.

whats a FWH?? :-O
dont worry, i figured it out lol

how much do you bump it up to?
Ahhhk i had this problem, are you buying from ross? Its not called b-sazz, and it had me very confused. Its motuka or something like that.

I just adjust the first addition to make sure i don't overshoot the IBUs. If that makes sense. Its probably over the top as its a great well balanced recipe as it is. But i brew beers for me and anyone else who doesnt like it can go jump :lol:
Ahhhk i had this problem, are you buying from ross? Its not called b-sazz, and it had me very confused. Its motuka or something like that.

Nah I had to send a mate to grab it from Mel's in Peakhurst, Sydney. Motuka, eh? Sound Kiwi... Anyway he came back with normal saaz, so we had to buy more to make up the right AA% as per the recipe. Hope it doesnt make too much of a difference, I really love LCBA :p
you should still get a nice beer, mel doesnt stock B-sazz, i've enquired before. He has just got simcoe however.
you should still get a nice beer, mel doesnt stock B-sazz, i've enquired before. He has just got simcoe however.

yeah Ive been meaning to stock up on hops, but am thinking about getting some rhizomes planted. would love to pick up some saaz.B/moteka/whatever the hell it is ones!

can i use simcoe instead?
I love simcoe with a passion, so i'm biased, but i don't think it would be a very good sub for B-sazz. Cascade and amarillo are good friends. Or maybe chinook.
I've been honing in on a winning pilsner for a friends wedding.

The first one I did had D Saaz and it was super fruity.
Mk2 has normal Saaz and it was earthy and spicy.

That's when I looked deeper and found that they are very different beasts. The D saaz (from NZ) is more like citrusy Amarillo hops. Normal Saaz (from Czech Republic) is more like your noble hops (eg Hallertau).

Now this doesn't help you at all, because you are talking about B Saaz.

My mk3 has B saaz in it, but it's not ready yet.

But as a guess, mix some normal saaz and amarillo or cascade.

Regarding your other question. If you are doing a few brews in one day - i'd forget about anything flash like protein rests. But I don't care if my beers are cloudy. As long as they taste good.

Regarding your other question. If you are doing a few brews in one day - i'd forget about anything flash like protein rests. But I don't care if my beers are cloudy. As long as they taste good.

B Saaz = Motueka

D Saaz = Riwaka

New branding from NZ Hops. They're pretty hard to get a hold of after the drought, even here in NZ.

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