2200 Element

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I have searched and searched till my head hurt and no-one has actually answered this question with reference to this particular Element. The reason I like this element is because its ready to install without welding and I can run my march pump and element on the same socket without burning down my house.

Will it heat 50 liters of water to 75-80c from ambient tap water temps of say 12c in an insulated vessel with the lid on in a respectable time (1-1.5 hours)?

Or am I better of ditching this idea and buying another gas burner 9I have a nasa for my kettle) for my new HLT?

ps: is this element junk ?
I have searched and searched till my head hurt and no-one has actually answered this question with reference to this particular Element. The reason I like this element is because its ready to install without welding and I can run my march pump and element on the same socket without burning down my house.

Will it heat 50 liters of water to 75-80c from ambient tap water temps of say 12c in an insulated vessel with the lid on in a respectable time (1-1.5 hours)?

Or am I better of ditching this idea and buying another gas burner 9I have a nasa for my kettle) for my new HLT?

ps: is this element junk ?

My guess is that's an element from a still,easy to fit but slow to heat up.Perhaps you'll achieve it in 1.5 hours.
I'm just guessing here but sure looks the same.

BB, I have two of those in my HLT, one is 1000W the other 1350W, however, they are both a single ring, I see that one is double and on that basis I would have to say it will work fine, mine will get 50L of water from 20C to 80C in about 1hr.


Looks like the same element as my bucket of death has. Mine heats around 25L of water from room tempt to boiling in a little over half an hour. It's been a while since I did chemisty/physics, but I'm pretty sure you can use the heat output of the element, specific heat capacity of water, volume of water and temperature rise required to figure out how long it will take. Let's see...

Change in temperature = 100oC - 12oC = 88oC
Specific Heat Capacity of Water = 4186J/Kg/oC
Mass of water = 50L = 50kg

4186 x 50 x 88 = 18418.4KJ

2200W = 2200J/s = 2.2KJ/s

18418.4/2.2 = 8372s or 139.53mins

Now this doesn't take into account loss of heat from the vessel or energy absorbed by the vessel. To me, that looks like a long time so there's a fair chance I've cocked it up.

Anyway, food for thought...

Yep, no problem, that's the element out of an Essencia Still (sry I mean Boiler), make sure you order a lead to, they aren't the same as a standard jug or computer cord.
i really wish they made these with straight elements for HERMS..
I can appreciate people failing to see another thread if they've searched and it's got difficult search terms or hasn't been discussed for a while, etc. But this thread was started yesterday, last post four hours before you posted this, can't have been further down the page than third or fourth item. Before starting a new thread, at least have a cursory glance at the forum you're posting in to see if your question has already been answered, or is at least already being discussed.
yes no problem it will heat 50l to 80c in under 1.5 hours !
given decent insulation a lot faster than 1.5 hours.

I didnt see that thread either, but fair cop.

Mark or others ... have you ever priced a 415V element or know if you can get one to fit a 100L pot?
been thinking about it as my next upgrade

Probably been mentioned on other threads but how do elements reclaimed from old urns work out? I'd guess if it was a 30 or 40 litre urn it'd have an element that was capable of bringing that amount of water to a boil in reasonable time.


There are two ways to look at 3-phase, you can think of it as 3, 240 Volt circuits and wire 3 appropriately rated elements. Or you can get 3-phase elements and just have them wired in.

They are more expensive, but you can get sheathed elements and lots of other options.

I am not a sparky and would consult a good one before I even thought of wiring up any 3-phase appliance.

These guys are good for elements:- Stokes Industrial Elements

I would have thought a 2.2kW element would heat a 50L HLT OK.

I have a 2.4kW element in a 50L HLT - though I typically heat about 35L of water - and it gets from Melbourne tap temperature to 70 degC in about 50 minutes. If you were trying to boil it might be another matter, and I have no experience with that.
At the moment I am using a 2400w immersion element for all aspects of my brewing - heating the strike and sparge water, and boiling the wort. I have boiled over 30L in the past with no troubles. My normal boil size is around 22L and the element does that on its ear.

I think with these things its often a question of time rather than "will it do the job". I haven't tried it, but I suspect a 2400w element would in fact boil 50L, it would just take a fair while to get to the boil (and some insulation wouldn't go astray).

Another case in point is a friend of mine who brews on a 600L DME system said that the HLT element in that is 14kw, so less than 7 times the output of the elements we are discussing here (ie the equivalent of heating around 130L with a 2400w element, assuming all of the liquor (~900L) is heated in one go). He says he needs to set it on a timer so it begins heating the liquor during the night so its ready to brew the next morning. But the fact is, that shows it is possible to use normal household 10A elements in larger brew sizes, it just takes longer. Personally I would find it a bit restrictive not to be able to brew at the drop of a hat though.
At the moment I am using a 2400w immersion element for all aspects of my brewing - heating the strike and sparge water, and boiling the wort. I have boiled over 30L in the past with no troubles. My normal boil size is around 22L and the element does that on its ear.

I think with these things its often a question of time rather than "will it do the job". I haven't tried it, but I suspect a 2400w element would in fact boil 50L, it would just take a fair while to get to the boil (and some insulation wouldn't go astray).

Another case in point is a friend of mine who brews on a 600L DME system said that the HLT element in that is 14kw, so less than 7 times the output of the elements we are discussing here (ie the equivalent of heating around 130L with a 2400w element, assuming all of the liquor (~900L) is heated in one go). He says he needs to set it on a timer so it begins heating the liquor during the night so its ready to brew the next morning. But the fact is, that shows it is possible to use normal household 10A elements in larger brew sizes, it just takes longer. Personally I would find it a bit restrictive not to be able to brew at the drop of a hat though.


How do you control the element in the Kettle?

Yep, sorry, got it, didn't get a chance to reply. I might be able to sort something out for you, but it'll be a few weeks before my current set of projects dies down