2200 Element

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Yep, sorry, got it, didn't get a chance to reply. I might be able to sort something out for you, but it'll be a few weeks before my current set of projects dies down

No problem, no rush, cheers for considering it.

How do you control the element in the Kettle?


Do you mean how do I fasten it or how do I regulate its output?

If you mean fastening, I just made up a bar (out of 4 1" square ali pieces taped together) that I just rest across the top of the kettle. The element just rests on it. I used to put a piece of tape over it but now days I just let it rest there - never moves from where I place it.

If you mean regulating the heat, I don't. That's the great thing about it - never even looks like boiling over, yet its a good vigorous boil. Its just on or off and does the job perfectly. I must say, its probably the one piece of gear I have had from day one that is still a key part of my setup. Oh, that and my trusty plastic mash paddle... :D
Do you mean how do I fasten it or how do I regulate its output?

If you mean fastening, I just made up a bar (out of 4 1" square ali pieces taped together) that I just rest across the top of the kettle. The element just rests on it. I used to put a piece of tape over it but now days I just let it rest there - never moves from where I place it.

If you mean regulating the heat, I don't. That's the great thing about it - never even looks like boiling over, yet its a good vigorous boil. Its just on or off and does the job perfectly. I must say, its probably the one piece of gear I have had from day one that is still a key part of my setup. Oh, that and my trusty plastic mash paddle... :D

Ahhh i see its not a fixed element its one of them hand held ones....

Thanks TD

Ahhh i see its not a fixed element its one of them hand held ones....

Thanks TD


Yeah sorry if I wasn't clear. It just dangles in, so you can use one element in a number of different vessels etc. Bloody handy bit of gear.
Bear in mind that a calculator like that will only give you very rough results, because the "inefficiency" isn't fixed. All other things being equal (depth, vessel material, vessel dimensions/surface area, insulation thickness/material, ambient temperature, covering, etc) the water will lose heat at a rate proportional to the temperature difference to ambient. The temperature of the water will follow a roughly exponential curve approaching its maximum under the given conditions. Hopefully that maximum is higher than boiling, and hence you'll be able to get a rolling boil out of it - if it approaches, say, 95 you'll never get it to boil no matter how long you leave it, because the element is putting in less heat than is being lost to ambient at that temperature for your vessel setup. That will be solved by better insulation, bigger element or both. I don't mean that the calculator is useless, it's just calculating the theoretical time without any heat loss, and then adding some approximation for loss. In practice, the heat losses will be small, and it'll be more or less okay, just remember that the higher the final target temperature (eg, boiling), the further out your calculation will be.
Currently i have a 3600W element in my 60L pot (Damn i love my shed)
and its controlled by a variable resister type thingy that was build by the guy i bought it off(Hansie off here) whos an electrician)
and its frickin noice man to have .. its not direct temperature setting but after a little trial and error its not hard to figure out how much power is needed to control a rolling boiling at 104degrees
The rest is all at 100% power
Its also great for controlling the router i have too.. saved a fortune not buying the bigger makita with variable speed control
