beernorks, anyone who can predict with much accuracy the final state of the beer from an OG sample has my respect... especially considering there's yeast yet to do its thing!![]()
In all seriousness, if you've added the ingredients at the right time and right place, there's very little that can go so wrong as to wreck your beer, brewing is actually quite forgiving, so just relax and have a cold one! :icon_cheers:
good idea..
..great idea!
one other hindsight i doubt i ended up with 18 litres after the bag hang and squeeze...more like 17 .
one other hindsight i doubt i ended up with 18 litres after the bag hang and squeeze...more like 17 .
..bloody hell tastes like beer!!!
That's the thing people doing K&K often don't realise - home made AG, even with very simple equipment is usually better than most of the beer at the bottlo. Mainly because the recipes are formulated with love of beer, not profit in mind.
One of the coolest aspects of AG at home is the ability to make reasonably accurate clones of some very expensive beers, meld styles to your personal tastes and even make the occasional beer that freaks the **** out of you (he says drinking a smoked beer that tastes like pea and ham soup).
The beer world's now your oyster.
Other things aside, the real secret to great beer is great yeast kept comfortable.
i just got a 19L pot from Big W, and im wondering what the maximum amount of grain/water i can get in there is?
thanks nic: so after topping up the mash with that additional strike water, i should also still sparge with enough to fill up the pot for the boil/replace my losses from the mash, yes?
It sounds complicated until you do it. Then it sounds very easy. Just don't get pissed when you are doing it!![]()
yeah no better way to learn than first hand experience. ill make sure i keep this thread close by
cant wait to put this down tomorrow, eager to see what this slippery slope called AG looks like! :icon_cheers:
Just don't get pissed when you are doing it!
Au contraire - some of my best brews have been made while half cut. Maybe just not the first few - get a grip on the process, then it becomes a bit more automatic.
Whichever side of sobriety you are during mash-in though, a few beers are mandatory while brewing.
Otherwise the brewing demon sets fire to your hops and drinks all your sanitiser.
Agreed, I have started having a brew or too now but i set the alarms on my phone to remind me when to add what.
recently i went to the gym when i was mashing, that's just wrong :icon_vomit: